Weekend Herald

Research backs up theory of ugly friends

- Henry Bodkin

It has been called the “ugly friend effect” — the propensity for someone to appear more attractive than they otherwise would when in the company of people less blessed by good looks.

Until now this might have been dismissed as an old wives’ tale, but new research appears to have confirmed the phenomenon is a scientific fact.

A study has shown that a person will rank higher on a scale of attractive­ness when compared alongside less attractive people than when judged in isolation.

Scientists at Royal Holloway University asked study participan­ts to rate the attractive­ness of different faces shown in photograph­s. The viewers were then told to reassess the same faces after pictures of other less desirable people had been placed alongside.

Once the added faces were introduced, the attractive­ness of the original faces increased from the first round of ranking, the researcher­s discovered.

Dr Nicholas Furl, who conducted the study, said: “Until now, it’s been understood that a person’s level of attractive­ness is generally steady.

“If you saw a picture of George Clooney today, you would rate him as good- looking as you would tomorrow.

“However, this work demonstrat­es that the company we keep has an effect on how attractive we appear to others.”

In a further aspect to the study, the team also discovered that having a less attractive face to look at sharpened viewers’ critical faculties and made them more sensitive to difference­s between two or more attractive people.

“The presence of a less attractive face does not just increase the attractive­ness of a single person, but in a crowd could actually make us even more choosy,” said Furl. “We found that the presence of a distractor face makes difference­s between attractive people more obvious and that observers start to pull apart these difference­s, making them even more particular in their judgment.”

The new research lends empirical weight to a theme that has often been exploited for comic effect.

Last year’s film The Duff — an acronym for “Designated Ugly Fat Friend” — told the story of a school- age girl who finds out that her prettier and more popular friends have recruited her to elevate their own desirabili­ty.

“It’s perhaps not too surprising that we are judged in relation to those around us,” said Furl.

“There will certainly be more research in years to come on this complicate­d area of human interactio­n, and I am excited to see where this research takes us.”

The research, reported in the journal Psychologi­cal Science, follows a previous investigat­ion into the effect on perceived attractive­ness of appearing alongside people of the opposite sex, which found that married men are generally thought more handsome than bachelors.

This is thought to occur because people appear more beautiful standing next to an attractive person, or people, of the opposite sex — the socalled “Hugh Hefner effect”, after the owner of Playboy magazine who is often picture arm in arm- in- arm with several of his girlfriend­s.

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