Weekend Herald

Protests as Catalan politician­s jailed

Ousted President stays in Belgium as judge weighs issuing warrant for his arrest

- Ciaran Giles and Aritz Parra in Madrid Catalans protest outside the Catalonia Parliament against the decision to jail former members of the Catalan Government.

Thousands of Catalans took to the streets of the region yesterday to protest a Spanish judge’s decision to jail nine members of Catalonia’s former Government.

The judge was also considerin­g issuing an internatio­nal arrest warrant for the region’s ousted President, who remained in Belgium while the others appeared in a Madrid court for questionin­g about their efforts to break Catalonia away from Spain.

Former President Carles Puigdemont and his 13-member Cabinet are being investigat­ed for rebellion, sedition and embezzleme­nt stemming from their pursuit of Catalan independen­ce. The Spanish Government removed them from office on October 27 and they were summoned to appear in Spain’s National Court yesterday.

After the nine Catalan Cabinet members who showed up were questioned, a judge sent eight of them to jail without bail. One was ordered held in lieu of €50,000 ($84,160) in bail. The seven men and two women were taken from the court in police vans hours later and assigned to prisons in the Madrid area.

Thousands of protesters took to the streets of Catalan towns to condemn the pre-charge detentions, which fellow separatist politician­s and elected officials criticised as an attack on ideas.

“We won’t give up, we won’t fail, we will fight till the end,” Marta Rovira, an increasing­ly prominent politician in Catalonia’s republican­left ERC party, said. “We have all the right in the world to live in a country with more justice, dignity and freedom,” she told reporters as tears welled in her eyes.

The Spanish Government said it does not comment on judges’ decisions in deference to the separation of powers.

Investigat­ive magistrate Carmen Lamela ordered the officials into custody at the request of prosecutor­s, who also asked for an internatio­nal warrant seeking Puigdemont’s arrest.

Under Spain’s legal system, investigat­ing judges can have suspects detained while a comprehens­ive probe, sometimes taking months, determines if they should be charged.

Puigdemont surfaced in Belgium on Tuesday with some of his exminister­s, saying they were seeking “freedom and safety” there. He and four of the officials remained in Brussels yesterday.

Asked whether Puigdemont would turn himself in if the arrest warrant is granted, his lawyer in Belgium, Paul Bekaert, told the Associated Press: “Certainly. Or the police will come get him.” Bekaert said Puigdemont intends to co-operate with Belgian police.

Also yesterday, six Catalan lawmakers appeared for a parallel session in the Spanish Supreme Court. They have a week to prepare their defences and instructed to return for questionin­g on November 9.

In all, Spanish prosecutor­s are investigat­ing 20 regional politician­s for rebellion and other crimes that would be punishable by up to 30 years in prison.

In a written ruling, the National Court judge said the eight jailed without bail had planned and executed a roadmap since 2015 to create an independen­t Catalan republic.

The ruling said the activities of those under investigat­ion were “prepared and organised, repeatedly disobeying systematic­ally over two years Constituti­onal Court resolution­s in favour of the independen­ce”.

The judge said the eight were being jailed without the possibilit­y of bail because of the risk of them fleeing prosecutio­n or hiding or destroying evidence.

Lawyers for the jailed officials said they planned to appeal Lamela’s order. Jaume Alonso-Cuevillas, who represents Puigdemont and four more of the ousted Cabinet members, said the judge’s decision to send them to jail “lacked justificat­ion” and was “disproport­ionate”.

The Catalan officials’ supporters and party aides in Madrid were seen crying outside the courthouse when the judge’s decision was announced. They shouted “Freedom! Freedom!” and sang the Catalan official anthem, Els Segadors, which translates to The Reapers in English.

Spain took the unpreceden­ted step of triggering constituti­onal powers allowing it to take over running Catalonia following a declaratio­n of independen­ce by the regional Parliament on October 27. Madrid dismissed the Catalan Cabinet, dissolved the Parliament and called a new regional election for December 21.

Junqueras, in a tweet sent shortly after the judge’s decision, called on Catalans to cast ballots to defeat unionists.

“Do every day everything that is in your hands in order for good to defeat evil in the ballots of December 21,” the tweet posted through Junqueras’ account said. “Standing up, with determinat­ion and onward to victory.”

Puigdemont, also in a tweet, wrote that “the legitimate government of Catalonia has been jailed for its ideas”.

Javier Melero, a lawyer representi­ng some of the separatist lawmakers investigat­ed in the Supreme Court, criticised Puigdemont and the four ministers who skipped court. He said their actions would be damaging for his clients, three lawmakers who are members of Puigdemont’s PDeCAT party. “Not being at the service of the judiciary when you are summoned is always damaging for the rest of those being investigat­ed,” Melero said.

About two dozen politician­s and elected officials from Catalan separatist parties gathered at the gates of the Supreme Court in a show of support for the lawmakers under investigat­ion.

“If the question is if in Spain you can trust the judicial system, my answer is no,” said Artur Mas, a former President of the Catalan Government. “From the personal point of view and also for my personal experience, I don’t think that there are all the guarantees to have a fair trial.”

Mas was banned by a Barcelona court from holding public office for two years after he ignored a Constituti­onal Court ruling and went ahead with a mock vote on Catalonia’s independen­ce in 2014.

Across the street, half a dozen protesters with Spanish flags were stopped by police. They shouted at the Catalan politician­s, “cowards” and “to jail, to jail.”

The protracted political crisis over Catalonia, Spain’s worst in decades, could have an impact on the country’s economic growth, Spain’s central bank warned in a report published yesterday.

We won’t give up, we won’t fail, we will fight till the end. We have all the right in the world to live in a country with more justice, dignity and freedom.

Marta Rovira

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