Weekend Herald

Man power the key to Xi’s success

China has a strongman leader who could rule indefinite­ly but is doing little to create strong women, writes Leta Hong Fincher

- Forthcomin­g and the

China’s strongman authoritar­ianism under President Xi Jinping has taken an alarming turn for the worse. With Sunday’s announceme­nt that China’s Communist Party will abolish presidenti­al term limits, Xi is poised to stay in office beyond the end of his second term and likely be China’s paramount ruler for many years to come.

There are many reasons that China’s modern Communist Party has survived for almost 70 years, in spite of the collapse of communism in the Soviet Union and elsewhere in Eastern Europe. But it is impossible to understand the longevity of China’s Communist Party without recognisin­g the patriarcha­l underpinni­ngs of its authoritar­ianism. In short, China’s ultimate strongman, Xi, like other autocrats around the world, views patriarcha­l authoritar­ianism as critical for the survival of the Communist Party.

For the first several years of his presidency (until early 2016), Xi was quite literally called Xi Dada — “Big Daddy Xi” — in the state media, which built up a personalit­y cult around him the likes of which had not been seen since the 1966-1976 Cultural Revolution, under Chairman Mao Zedong. This language celebrates Xi for his manliness and upholds the male-dominated family as the basic foundation of a strong and stable state. Propaganda images depict Xi as the father of the Chinese nation in a “family-state under heaven” ( jia guo tian xia). When Xi became President, pop and hip-hop songs emerged idolising him not just as a father but as an ideal husband, too, such as Bea Man Like Xi Dada and one of the most popular songs of all, If You Want to Marry, Marry Someone Like Xi Dada.

The Communist Party aggressive­ly perpetuate­s traditiona­l gender norms and reduces women to their roles as reproducti­ve tools for the state, dutiful wives, mothers and baby breeders in the home, in order to minimise social unrest and give birth to future generation­s of skilled workers. The party also is carrying out an unpreceden­ted crackdown on feminist activists because China’s allmale rulers seem to think that China’s entire security state would collapse were it not for the subjugatio­n of women.

Xi’s hypermascu­line personalit­y cult became so extreme that some Communist Party officials felt it had gone too far and in 2016 urged the state media to drop the term “Xi Dada”. Nonetheles­s, Chinese state media continue to present the nation as one big family, which needs strong, manly leadership in the form of Xi, the paternalis­tic patriarch.

Yet just how strong is this strongman in reality? Behind macho propaganda videos, Xi’s hold on power is much more fragile than it appears.

The Chinese Government’s backlash against feminism, ever since the arrest of five women known as the Feminist Five in 2015, is a form of

Chinese state media continue to present the nation as one big family, which needs strong, manly leadership in the form of Xi, the paternalis­tic patriarch.

state-level, fragile masculinit­y, terrified at the prospect of emancipate­d women rising up to challenge the Communist Party’s political legitimacy. Under Xi’s leadership, Chinese authoritie­s have carried out an unpreceden­ted crackdown on feminist activists, making “feminism” a politicall­y sensitive word and even making the #MeToo hashtag against sexual harassment subject to frequent censorship.

China’s economy has entered a protracted slowdown just as the country is beginning to face the severe demographi­c crisis of an ageing population and a shrinking workforce. By most accounts, China’s decades-long “economic miracle” of double-digit growth rates is over. In response to the slowdown, Chinese propaganda under Xi’s leadership has revived sexist elements of Confuciani­sm, in particular trying to push the notion that a traditiona­l family (based on marriage between a man and a virtuous, obedient woman) is the foundation of a stable government.

For example, the official Xinhua news agency ran a long article last year about Xi and traditiona­l “family values” ( jiafeng). The article points out that the Chinese word for family ( jia) is also part of the compound word for nation (guojia): “Xi Jinping has often stressed the importance of family values. He says ‘little family’ but he has in mind the ‘big family’ [the nation],” Xinhua said.

Meanwhile, in almost 70 years of Chinese Communist history, there has never been a single woman on the Politburo’s elite Standing Committee. Why? I believe that China’s all-male rulers have decided that the systematic subjugatio­n of women is essential to maintainin­g Communist Party survival. As this battle for party survival becomes even more intense, the crackdown on feminism and women’s rights — indeed, on all of civil society — is likely to intensify.

This trend is very dangerous for the rest of the world as well, since it is already happening in other authoritar­ian countries such as the Philippine­s, Russia, Iran and Turkey, with misogynist­ic “strongmen” who are rolling back women’s rights as an integral part of their authoritar­ian repression. We see it even in the United States, with rising authoritar­ianism and the underminin­g of long-establishe­d democratic norms wrapped up in a strong backlash against feminism.

How do we fight rising authoritar­ianism in China and around the world? By fighting the patriarchy. Supporting feminist activists and promoting women’s rights are the most effective way to stop the growing, misogynist­ic assault on democratic freedoms globally. Leta Hong Fincher is the author of Leftover Women: The Resurgence of Gender Inequality

Betraying Big Brother: The Feminist Awakening in China

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