Weekend Herald

US, China slap new tariffs on each other


The US and China imposed fresh tariffs on each other’s goods in the middle of trade talks aimed at averting the worsening conflict between the world’s two biggest economies.

Both nations started levying the previously announced taxes on US$16 billion ($24b) of imports from the other country. China also said it would lodge a complaint about the new American tariffs to the World Trade Organisati­on, according to a Chinese Ministry of Commerce statement on its website.

The US will collect an additional 25 per cent in duties on Chinese imports ranging from motorcycle­s to steam turbines and railway wagons, and the Chinese retaliatio­n will see a similarly sized tax on items including coal, medical instrument­s, waste products, cars and buses.

US Treasury Undersecre­tary for Internatio­nal Affairs David Malpass and Chinese Vice Commerce Minister Wang Shouwen met for the first face-to-face trade discussion­s since June. Those talks weren’t expected to draw in senior decisionma­kers and are predicted only to result in a joint statement of productive discussion­s, according to a person familiar with the agenda.

“US trade tensions with China are more likely to worsen this year, weighing on global growth in 2019,” according to a research report from analysts at Moody’s Investors Service. “Most of the impact of the trade restrictio­ns on economic growth will be felt in 2019,” and any additional tariffs would be a “material downside scenario” , they wrote.

President Donald Trump has played down expectatio­ns in recent days. That, analysts say, is partly because Trump and China hawks in his Administra­tion are feeling increasing­ly emboldened since the two sides held talks in May and June.

At home, Trump has watched the subdued reaction of financial markets to his trade manoeuvres and hailed recent strong economic news and polls showing his approval rating holding up among Republican­s. Meanwhile, in China the economy has shown signs of weakness in recent months, a circumstan­ce Trump has said gives the US an advantage.

“Here we are, three months later, and if anything during that time the hawks’ position has been consolidat­ed because we drove over the cliff and discovered our car can fly with the US economy still doing fairly well and President Trump still popular among Republican­s,” said Scott Kennedy, an expert on US-China relations at the Centre for Strategic and Internatio­nal Studies in Washington.

The Chinese state-run tabloid

Global Times said in an editorial that the Chinese delegation shouldn’t feel too much pressure over the outcome of talks. “To be honest, the Chinese society has no expectatio­n that China and the US can quickly reach a deal to end the trade war,” it said, adding that China was ready to endure the fallout from trade tensions.

The meetings appear set to highlight the continuing divide inside the Trump Administra­tion over how best to deal with Beijing and how China hawks are winning that battle. While Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is eager to find a negotiated solution, other Cabinet members such as US Trade Representa­tive Robert Lighthizer are keen to continue increasing the pressure on Beijing, analysts say.

Trump recently revived a point of friction by accusing Beijing of manipulati­ng its currency to offset the impact of his tariffs. In response, the Chinese delegation could this week offer a private pledge not to let the currency weaken further as long as negotiatio­ns continue, said Derek Scissors, a China expert at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington. Such a commitment might lead to further discussion­s.

The initial list of US demands presented to China in May included a call for a US$200b reduction in America’s annual goods trade deficit with China by 2020 — which stood at about US$375b last year — and an end to industrial policies the US claims violates global trading rules.

The talks were also taking place as hundreds of executives and officials from US companies, trade groups and other entities descended on Washington to weigh in on the Administra­tion’s planned tariffs on the additional US$200b in Chinese imports. Most have been asking for goods to be removed from the list of products.

The Administra­tion has said it wants to avoid consumer products and target industries critical to China’s economic future. Yet companies including Fitbit and iRobot are complainin­g that their bicycles, handbags, sports equipment and a swathe of additional products across multiple industries are being unfairly targeted.

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