Weekend Herald

An end to sexism can benefit men

Societal bias over gender stereotype­s in the workplace constrains both men and women


Val Leveson

Everyday sexism abounds in the workplace — and both men and women can benefit from this being addressed, says Rachel Hopkins, CEO of Diversity Works.

“It’s one of those areas that’s difficult to fully separate the social context from the workplace,” she says. “Sexism is the status quo — it shows itself up particular­ly in the workplace.”

Consider gender stereotype­s where a woman who happens to be a lawyer is called a female lawyer, or there’s a female CEO and we have to talk about male teachers and male nurses.

“There’s a societal bias over which gender ‘should’ be in which profession. There are stereotype­s of male and female characteri­stics, and what roles we assume they are appropriat­e to play in the workplace.”

She says, men are not just the problem here — they’re part of the solution. Men and women need to address this together.

“We need to acknowledg­e that men do benefit from inequity in the workplace, but they will also benefit from gender equality.

“You can’t be your full self if you’ve got a stereotype on you.

“How constraini­ng is it for men who think they have to be constantly on the move in an organisati­on; who think they can’t be teachers, nurses or flight attendants? Men who believe those are girls’ jobs?”

Diversity Works is a national membership organisati­on that helps businesses develop diverse and inclusive workplaces.

“What we do in Diversity Works is we work to get male leaders to play a leadership role in diversity and inclusion. We talk a lot about the facts and figures around this — it’s real, it’s not just what people feel.

“Male privilege, the amount of space they take, the time they take up talking, the amount of assumed authority that they have. This is all real and

Male privilege, the amount of space they take, the time they take up talking, the amount of assumed authority that they have. This is all real and pervasive.

Rachel Hopkins, CEO of Diversity Works

pervasive. It’s not just men who are keeping the sexist status quo — it’s also women.”

She says that we get gender stereotype­s before we’re five years old, “before we’re even aware of it”. Men are constraine­d in their careers by these assumption­s too. If you’re a man and you ask about flexible work hours, which is a key element of bringing women into the workplace, you’re not seen as being serious about your career. However flexibilit­y for everybody means that people can have more control over how they mix their work with other responsibi­lities.

“It’s really helpful for people with disabiliti­es and it’s something that men can take advantage of just as much as women.

“The fact that so many women take advantage of flexible working conditions means they often accept less money and it affects their mobility in the workplace.

“It becomes a non-traditiona­l pathway to promotion. Working part time is not seen as a way of getting the next job, it’s a sort of holding pattern. If men get flexible work times as well, there’s an assumption that they’re not career minded or committed. It’s interestin­g thinking of these things.”

Hopkins says: “We have 400 member

organisati­ons. The ones who are doing particular­ly well are making sure they’re addressing the systems and processes that underpin everything in an employee life cycle. ”

She says there is sexism and gender inequity hard-baked into every step. “There are organisati­ons who are deliberate­ly pulling those things apart and are intentiona­lly making things more equitable. For example, there are some organisati­ons that are doing “blind CVs” — they look at CVs without the name or photograph, so

in the selection process they’re not aware of gender or ethnicity.

She says, “If you talk to organisati­ons who are doing well in the gender equality space, you will find they’re doing well with employee engagement results, this leads to loyalty, better productivi­ty and so on.

“So there’s a business case, not just a social justice case in this. The thing is all change comes with awareness — but awareness isn’t enough, it’s the starting point. When we talk about the word ‘sexism’ it’s quite negative and people get on to the defensive. It’s important to talk about stereotypi­ng, unconsciou­s associatio­ns, how the brain works, those sort of things.

She says: “When we talk to our members, we talk about the mix of neuroscien­ce, performanc­e and inclusivit­y. The business case and the social justice case. You need to have deliberate action and look at systems. One person isn’t going to be able to make a difference, it needs to be done in a systemic way.”

 ?? Photo / Getty Images ?? In some organisati­ons, sexism and gender inequality are hard-baked into every step.
Photo / Getty Images In some organisati­ons, sexism and gender inequality are hard-baked into every step.

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