Weekend Herald

Kropotkin 1056



1. Susan embracing some Europeans, other people (8)

5. In Augustine’s see joint (two-thirds marijuana) (5)

10. Boldly confront task to be done in the street – an LPG explosion? (5,3,6)

12. Soprano couldn’t see bass, having vanished (4)

13. Jersey and Guernsey scenery’s beginning with best country road feature (6-4)

15. Defiled pansies etc on heath (8)

16. An officer gives you prize money – rupee or ruble? (6)

18. Have your home team following about (6)

20. Metaphysic­al poet read without using a Scots word for ‘stunned’ (8)

23. Alternativ­e therapist, being upset, ran out onto trodden track (10)

24. Look out for one at Waitomo, here on SH8 (4)

26. Athlete, miler, on a roll, staggered in front of The Queen (8,6)

27. Forgetfuln­ess shown by the drunk among the French (5)

28. All you get from some bird in distress is a lot of platitudes! (8)


2. Either half of English band proceed into Mexican state (7)

3. Boy turned up with hot food (4)

4. Locates former boxer in places for structures (8)

6. Five-time Oscar nominee, one farewelled at night, cavorting nude about mid-evening! (5,5)

7. Bird in ‘Tinkles’ needing diminutive garments (7)

8. Ladies shouldn’t go here to see their partners (5)

9. Reckless outlaws carelessly speared deer (11)

11. Bring old washing vessel in one at a time – in a drooling manner! (11)

14. Top of beech tree died: another tree appeared underneath? Nonsense (10)

17. American supplier of fancy-dress needs customer badly (8)

19. In non-negotiable charge prisoner finally is released (3,4)

21. Sappers are Sappers, not Diggers: for starters one’s behind! (4-3)

22. Part of the book Resolution (5)

25. Type of blonde drops a tin – this contains fruit (4)

 ??  ??

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