Weekend Herald

Avoid cultural black hole

- Raewyn Court

Businesses aspire to have “great culture” in order to attract candidates and ensure a happy and productive workplace — but what is it and how can it be achieved?

Darren Levy, consultant at Human Synergisti­cs Internatio­nal, says organisati­onal culture is something that’s defined by the collective. “It is the expected behaviours and the ‘way we do things around here’.”

He says, though, that while we all own the culture of our organisati­on, leaders have a disproport­ionate impact. “Our research shows that effective leadership is most highly correlated to constructi­ve cultures. Leaders all cast a shadow that can either act like a black hole and suck the light and energy out of people, or encourage people to step up and do their best work.”

Human Synergisti­cs’ New Zealand Conference on Culture and Leadership, to be held around the country this month, will look at how leadership defines the culture and future success of enterprise­s. Speakers will include Olympic gold medallist Rob Waddell, executive director of Learning Resources at the University of Canterbury Alex Hanlon, Mercury’s GM of Digital Services Kevin Angland, and business leader Janine Smith.

Levy says effective cultures have a clearly articulate­d mission focused on the end user. Employees are involved and empowered to do their best work in meaningful jobs designed to have autonomy and variety. They’re encouraged to work with others and are given the capacity to see something from start to finish. “As well, communicat­ion, goal setting and HR practices should be seamless. Constructi­ve leadership helps team members solve problems and improve relationsh­ips, and it will show employees how to treat others with respect and consider the diverse needs of the team and the organisati­on.”

Respect from employees is created through leaders developing trusting relationsh­ips with co-workers, says Levy. “If the purpose of leadership is ‘to create the environmen­t for people to be their best’ then it seems pretty

simple to me . . . great leaders focus their time, energy and diaries on making that happen. We not only need leaders who can create effective relationsh­ips, they also need to be sense-makers to help teams to have the focus, tools, resources and motivation they need to deliver on their goals.”

He notes that sometimes people are unlucky in their working lives to only be exposed to less effective

leaders. “Poor behaviours then become passed on to others, which can spread toxic leadership behaviours across an organisati­on and between organisati­ons. This can look like leaders who are too concerned with how they’re seen, are afraid to make decisions for fear of offending others, are always negative and against things, or leaders who set unrealisti­cally high goals that results in their teams avoiding even trying.”

We not only need leaders who can create effective relationsh­ips, they also need to be sense-makers . . . Darren Levy, Human Synergisti­cs Internatio­nal

The good news is these behaviours can be un-learned just as quickly as they were learned. “If leaders are able to see where improvemen­t is required,” says Levy, “using a 360-degree diagnostic such as the Human Synergisti­cs’ Life Styles Inventory can be helpful in identifyin­g these opportunit­ies. Then, with some effort and persistenc­e, leaders can shift their behaviours and performanc­e considerab­ly.”

Levy says technology can have a surprising­ly large impact on organisati­onal culture. While it is supposed to support organisati­ons to more effectivel­y carry out their work, he says too often the technology becomes the work and can get in the way of delivering better performanc­e. “But it’s not the technology itself that leads to these outcomes, it’s how we implement it and decide to work with each other.”Tech such as video conferenci­ng can be super-helpful in bringing dispersed team members together. Yet if they do not have clear expectatio­ns of behaviour — either in the digital or physical worlds — the outcomes will be poor. We need to define how we want to work, and keep each other honest through effective feedback. If we stay focused on the goal, tech can definitely help to achieve an even better culture.”

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