Weekend Herald

The Best Christmas Gift Ever


Usually every Christmas we get socks, chocolates or tickets for a show, but this year our kids surprised us completely! After a picnic in the park and a fish by the creek with our children and grand children, we came home and found that they had changed our toilet seat…

We were gob smacked; it had a remote and everything! They told us that this new seat would wash and dry us with just the push of a button, that they had purchased one for their family just last week and they loved it so much that they just had to get one for us too! Well, two weeks later I don’t know how we ever survived without it…

All we have to do is sit down on the nice warm seat and go to the loo, once finished we simply press a button and get a warm water wash and warm air dry! Now toileting is a time of luxury, it is the best Christmas present...

We have ever got!

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