Weekend Herald

John Tamihere on Roast Busters, front bums and running for the Auckland mayoralty

Exclusive Former MP throws down gauntlet to Goff

- Bernard Orsman

John Tamihere is standing for the Auckland mayoralty with former National Minister and Auckland councillor Chris Fletcher as his running mate and deputy designate.

The Waipareira Trust chief executive and former Labour MP has announced five campaign pledges to shake up council but is holding back his big plans for the city.

Tamihere and Fletcher have thrown down the gauntlet to Mayor Phil Goff, who has said three years is a short space of time to change a city and looks set to announce he is seeking a second term.

John Palino — a two-time candidate — has formally announced his candidacy. National MP for Ta¯maki Simon O’Connor briefly flirted with standing, but decided against the idea. Brothel owner John Chow has also shown interest.

Former MP and political opponent Tau Henare told Simon Wilson in a feature in today’s Weekend Herald that Goff was too much of a politician who doesn’t do anything.

“Tamihere would let loose the dogs of war. And whatever was left over, he’d work with,” said Henare, a member of the Independen­t Ma¯ori Statutory Board, which promotes issues for Ma¯ori to council.

Tamihere, a often controvers­ial figure set himself up to challenge Goff out of a relationsh­ip meltdown with the council’s developmen­t agency, Panuku, over the level of social housing in developmen­ts planned by Waipareira Trust.

It was the battle with Panuku, Tamihere said, that led to a large number of people contacting him with stories that made it clear the council has lost control over unelected and unaccounta­ble bodies.

“It’s time to shake it up,” said Tamihere, who has come up with five pledges focused on changing the culture and values of the council.

They include opening the books; greater powers to local boards and communitie­s; making councilcon­trolled organisati­ons (CCOs) more accountabl­e and putting councillor­s on the boards; setting up an integrity unit to investigat­e corruption, unacceptab­le conduct, and incompeten­ce; and a proper partnershi­p with central government.

The legislatio­n that set up the Super City in 2010 prohibits councillor­s and local board members sitting on the boards of CCOs.

An exception is made for two elected representa­tives on Auckland Transport.

Tamihere said the legislatio­n needs a major reset.

Apart from being clear about ending homelessne­ss, Tamihere said policies on rates, transport and other plans for the city will be announced over the coming months.

The local body elections are on October 12.

Tamihere said Fletcher’s wealth of experience in national and local politics — a National MP for nine years, mayor of the former Auckland City Council and an Auckland councillor since 2010 — brought a huge amount of integrity and mana.

Fletcher said she had not always been great mates with Tamihere, but had become impressed watching him on the Ma¯ori Statutory Board.

“With John you have got an interestin­g mix of charisma, intelligen­ce and experience. I think he will be a great negotiator because he has that extra dimension and utter determinat­ion and grit to get things through,” Fletcher said.

Goff said the election was a contest of ideas and anyone could put their hand up to run.

Asked if he thought Tamihere would give him a run for his money if he decides to seek another term, Goff said Aucklander­s would vote for the person they think has the best vision for the city, integrity and passion and, most importantl­y, the track record to make it a reality.

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