Weekend Herald

Tamihere candidacy sure to liven up mayoral race


John Tamihere’s announceme­nt of his candidacy for the Auckland mayoralty should make for a lively start to local body election year. Tamihere poses a larger threat to the incumbent, Phil Goff, than challenger­s from the right. The Labour Party would classify Tamihere on the right too but he will probably have more appeal to many in Labour’s constituen­cy, especially Ma¯ori, than to conservati­ve or business minded voters.

It is probably to appeal to the latter constituen­cy that Tamihere is running on a ticket with Christine Fletcher, a former mayor and still a councillor. Fletcher stands to be Deputy Mayor and gives the ticket an element of local body experience that Tamihere lacks.

But as the long time chief executive of West Auckland’s Waipareira Trust, Tamihere will know his way around parts of local government and he could never be accused of lacking confidence in his own authority. He will doubtless campaign as someone who will give the Auckland Council a shake-up and that is always a popular stance at local elections.

He is vulnerable though to the risk that his own record and behaviour may become just as much an issue in the campaign.

His candidacy promises to make it a more interestin­g campaign than it was shaping up to be. Goff, if he stands again, can probably win. But the shake-up he promised for the council last time has hardly happened. The council still seems detached from the needs and concerns of citizens and may need a new broom.

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