Weekend Herald

Making the calls for year ahead

- Liam Dann

The summer break has seen global sharemarke­ts rebound sharply from their pre-Christmas slump, making life more difficult than ever for investors hoping to see a longterm trend emerge in 2019.

But that hasn’t stopped Pie Funds chief executive Mike Taylor from making some big calls for the year ahead.

Ultimately, these kinds of prediction­s are best viewed as a chance to collate your thoughts for the year ahead and shouldn’t be treated as gospel.

On the MarketWatc­h video show this month, Taylor also quotes one of the world’s leading investors — Ray Dalio: “If you spend to much time looking at crystal balls you’ll end up picking up broken glass.”

But to get you thinking about the year ahead, here are his eight prediction­s for 2019:

Markets will not hit fresh lows (unless the US enters a recession in 2019)

Taylor says he’s put a caveat on that one as history shows markets would take a big tumble if recession fears were realised.

But if the economy stays steady he expects markets to stay clear of the lows hit in December.

If the China/US trade issue is resolved and Fed stays on hold, markets could hit new highs

Taylor also believes there is a good chance that markets will actually hit new highs this year — particular­ly if the US Federal Reserve remains cautious on the pace of rate hikes and if a resolution can be found to the big trade stand-off.

No rate hike in New Zealand or Australia in 2019

Slowing property markets and moderate economic growth on both sides of the Tasman will keep rates in both countries on hold.

Emerging markets to outperform developed markets

In simple terms, emerging markets are starting from a much lower (or cheaper) base, having been hit harder last year so have more room on the upside, Taylor says. Expect to see some big stimulus released to pump China’s struggling markets.

Trump will get the money for his wall

“We’ve seen the mentality of President Trump,” Taylor says. “And he appears to have his toes dug in.”

Oil to rebound on cuts to supply

The oil rebound began late last year and is set to continue in 2019 as major producers look to cut supply. “The oil market is much more about supply than demand,” Taylor says.

Market to sell off again in March

As much as Taylor remains optimistic about markets, he sees potential for the latest rally to “run out of puff ” and is picking another sell-off in March.

Yield curve to invert in the US

Whether or not we see a US recession in 2019 is far from certain but Taylor does expect to see one of the biggest indicators of recession emerge.

When the rates on short-term bonds go higher than the long-term rates it is described as an inversion and seen as a predictor of recession.

“The longer-term rates — because of people’s fear about the economy — won’t go much higher and if the Fed does hike rates twice this year we could see an inversion.”

 ?? Photo / Getty Images ?? It’s being tipped that US President Donald Trump will get the money for his wall on the Mexican border.
Photo / Getty Images It’s being tipped that US President Donald Trump will get the money for his wall on the Mexican border.
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