Weekend Herald

A Quick Word


Liam Neeson may not be racist now. But his question at the time the woman was raped, “Was he coloured?”, was. Robert Myers, Auckland Central.

Brody Hide made it to page 3 of the Herald with a tantrum about body hair, his beard. The school has rules and you adhere to them or go to another school.

P. Salvador, West Harbour.

My message to the boy losing confidence: you know the school rules before enrolling. If you want a beard, find a school that allows you to. Do not complain to the newspapers.

Rick O’Neill, Te Aroha.

Interestin­g to see that with so many drownings in NZ, none of the waka paddlers at Waitangi wore life jackets.

R. Wilson, Waipu.

What were healthy folk at Waitangi meant to eat for breakfast when bacon, sausages and fried eggs were on offer? These are the breakfasts fat-tax proponents talk about.

Dave Miller, Rotorua.

Why are frozen chicken nuggets only 50-60 per cent real chicken?

Rex Head, Papatoetoe.

I imagine the big six hotel booking websites weren’t happy hearing on national television that customers can call the hotels directly afterwards and get a better price or “something thrown in”. Glenn Forsyth, Taupo.

A correspond­ent finds “Pa¯keha¯” distastefu­l. To me it is fine no matter what its derivation. It carries the connection I feel with this land.

Judy Lawry, Golflands.

A hundred million to develop Ma¯ori land? What's happened to the $1 billion-plus in Treaty settlement­s?

Karl van de Water, Maungaturo­to.

In reply to Mr Mihaljevic, there are three official languages in this country, none of which is Dutch. I am unaware of a modern English name for our country; please enlighten us all.

Riro Marett, Milford

I find it anachronis­tic that schools have antiquated rules about personal appearance yet expect acceptance of LGBTQ+ with its attendant appearance ramificati­ons.

Chris Stevens, Dannemora.

Yesterday’s cartoon had me confused. I thought the fire in Nelson was started by a spark from a farmer ploughing. What has that to do with global warming? It is always tinder dry at this time. Jock Mac Vicar, Hauraki.

So 2018 was the fourthhott­est year on record, behind 2017. Good, the Earth is cooling.

J. Hopkins, Kohimarama.

This week I watched POTUS give the SOTU to the Dems, the GOP and FLOTUS in the Congress and I thought: What a lot of BS.

Allan Gyde, Tauranga

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