Weekend Herald

Nuns call for changes to church’s power structure


Nicole Winfield

The largest associatio­n of religious sisters in the United States has called for an overhaul of the male-led leadership structure of the Catholic Church, after Pope Francis publicly acknowledg­ed the problem of priests and bishops sexually abusing nuns.

The Leadership Conference of Women Religious also appealed in a statement for reporting guidelines to be establishe­d so abused nuns “are met with compassion and are offered safety”.

The conference’s statement followed Francis’ acknowledg­ement this week that clergy abuse of nuns was a problem.

The Pope said the Vatican was working on it but that more needed to be done.

His comments, given in response to a reporter’s question during an inflight press conference, were the first public acknowledg­ement by a pope of a long-simmering scandal that is erupting at the same time that the Catholic hierarchy is under siege for its decades-long cover-up of the sexual abuse of minors.

Reporting by the news media and the reckoning demanded by the #MeToo movement have brought the issue of sexual violence against nuns to the fore, such that #Nunstoo has been trending in recent days.

The LCWR, which represents about 80 per cent of Catholic sisters in the US, said it was grateful Francis had “shed light on a reality that has been largely hidden from the public and we believe his honesty is an important and significan­t step forward”.

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