Weekend Herald

Hansen: NZ can lead world on racial tolerance

‘What we need from every individual is calm heads and loving minds’

- Patrick McKendry

As the Crusaders plot a way forward in Sydney with their identity in question after the atrocities committed in Christchur­ch last week, All Blacks coach Steve Hansen has cut to the heart of the matter, saying New Zealand can provide a shining light of tolerance to the rest of the world.

The Crusaders, who play the Waratahs tonight, have become accustomed to being a touchstone during times of natural disasters, and their response at the Sydney Cricket Ground to something far more malignant will attract the interest of those far beyond the casual rugby fan.

Already their response to the terror in the city which resulted in the deaths of 50 Muslims has been virtually note perfect; a promise, once everyone is ready, to address their name and symbolism which they acknowledg­e may now not be appropriat­e in this vastly altered landscape. Talks with the Muslim community have been set down as a priority.

But, as All Blacks coach Hansen says in an interview with the Weekend Herald, the way we interact with each other, and behave in general as a society, is far bigger than a team, Christchur­ch or even New Zealand.

“It’s an opportunit­y to change things, to make things better,” Hansen told the Weekend Herald as he continues preparatio­ns for a World Cup defence in six months.

“It would appear that that is happening. But the key thing is that continues to happen for a long time.

“This hasn’t just affected Christchur­ch, it’s affected everybody in New Zealand. What we need from every individual from our country is calm heads and loving minds and coming together and understand­ing that we’ve got to respect each other and love each other and care for each other.

It’s an opportunit­y to change things, to make things better. We’ve got to respect, love and care for each other. All Blacks coach Steve Hansen

“If we can all do that, it doesn’t matter what colour our skin is or what religious beliefs we have. We’ll lead the world — it’s not just a New Zealand problem, is it? It’s a world problem and it’s been brought home to us because of one idiot. The best thing we can do to fight it is just stamp it out.”

Hansen, who lives on the outskirts of Christchur­ch, said he was shocked by the shootings at the Al Noor mosque in Riccarton and the masjid in Linwood eight days ago.

He had high praise for his All Blacks, including Sonny Bill Williams, TJ Perenara, Sam Whitelock, Kieran Read and Beauden Barrett, who have shown such empathy and leadership in speaking about one of New Zealand’s darkest days. Blues midfielder Williams is lending his support and profile in order to fundraise for his Muslim brothers and sisters, his franchise readily agreeing he needed to be in Christchur­ch.

Hansen added: “It’s great to see people standing up at the moment, but we’ve got to stand up now for the test of time; doing it for a few months is not enough, we’ve got to do it for the rest of our lives.”

The Crusaders, who had their game against the Highlander­s in Dunedin cancelled last Saturday as a mark of respect, are scheduled to join the Waratahs in a large circle at the SCG — just as the Chiefs and Hurricanes did at Waikato Stadium last week.

The moment, and match itself, will also be poignant for Waratahs coach Daryl Gibson, a former player and assistant coach of the Crusaders, who said: “It’s a huge tragedy that’s occurred in Christchur­ch. But once the whistle goes, I’m sure it’ll be back to business for them.

“Rugby is one avenue where it can be an outlet beyond just the sporting and society confine, so I think you’ll see the team really going out and playing for a purpose.”

The defending champions have always sought to unite and that again has been evident in their words during a shocking and unpreceden­ted past few days.

Tonight, they will do so again with their actions as New Zealand continues to mourn and reflect.

 ?? Photo / Photosport ?? All Blacks coach Steve Hansen has called for calm, tolerance and love in the wake of the Christchur­ch killings.
Photo / Photosport All Blacks coach Steve Hansen has called for calm, tolerance and love in the wake of the Christchur­ch killings.

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