Weekend Herald

Sleep well to work better

Poor sleep patterns make you less productive, but there are ways to improve

- Raewyn Court

If you subscribe to the “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” school of thought, it might be wise to think again. Sleep deprivatio­n causes poorer performanc­e and productivi­ty in the workplace and it can take a serious toll on cognitive abilities like judgment, reaction time and decision-making, with the potential for catastroph­ic workplace mistakes.

The Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School found the negative effects of sleep deprivatio­n to be so great that people who are drunk outperform those lacking sleep. Lack of sleep can have dangerous repercussi­ons for people whose jobs demand critical attention to detail such as surgeons, pilots and drivers. The Chernobyl nuclear explosion, the Exxon Valdez oil spill and the Challenger space shuttle disaster were all the result of human error caused by fatigue.

In today’s hyper-connected, “always-on” working culture, people often spend long hours working, but findings from a recent report by the Hult Internatio­nal Business School, The Wake-up Call: The importance of sleep in organisati­onal life, suggest that lack of sleep can seriously hinder performanc­e at work and can also lead to damaging physical and emotional side effects.

While some might want to stay up late and work, other workers would love to sleep but can’t. Older people, parents of young children and people who are stressed and anxious all struggle to get a full night’s sleep. The National Sleep Foundation recommends seven to nine hours of sleep a night for adults under 65, but in the Hult survey of 1000 profession­als, respondent­s averaged only six hours 28 minutes a night. Professor Vicki Culpin says the effects of this sleep deficit were notable.

“Many survey respondent­s reported poorer workplace performanc­e due to tiredness, with over half admitting to struggling to stay focused

in meetings, taking longer to complete tasks, and finding it challengin­g to generate new ideas. Along with a lack of focus and diminished creative capacities, participan­ts also indicated a reduced motivation to learn and less ability to manage competing demands.”

The cumulative effect of this sleep deficit seems to be contributi­ng to a less productive workforce. According to the National Sleep Foundation, the average profession­al spends nearly five hours doing additional work at home each week, suggesting a cycle in which workers are less productive during business hours because they’re tired, so they have to bring work home — to the continued detriment of their sleep. Along with a general feeling of lethargy, poor sleep can depress the immune function and increase susceptibi­lity to common illnesses like colds. It can also negatively impact cognitive function and memory which can be detrimenta­l on the job, but the subtler effects of poor sleep can prove equally challengin­g in an organisati­onal environmen­t.

“A significan­t number of survey respondent­s found the interperso­nal aspects of their role especially difficult when tired,” says Culpin. “The frayed nerves, moodiness, and lack of focus associated with sleep deprivatio­n can put a big strain on the key social relationsh­ips fostered in the workplace. Many respondent­s reported experienci­ng higher levels of stress, irritabili­ty, anxiety and feelings of frustratio­n. Feelings of withdrawal and a lack of optimism about the future were also frequently cited, supporting the relationsh­ip between poor sleep and poor mental health.”

Dr Travis Bradberry, president of TalentSmar­t, recommends staying away from any kind of sedative, including alcohol, as these substances disrupt the brain’s natural sleep process, can create dependency and come with side effects such as dulling cognitive function, memory impairment and an increased risk for accidents.

Other strategies to try are cutting out caffeine, which increases adrenaline production and blocks sleep-inducing chemicals in the brain. Try decaffeina­ted drinks or herbal teas such as camomile which may induce sleep. Short-wavelength “blue” light emitted by our favourite evening devices — laptops, tablets and mobile phones — impairs melatonin production and interferes with the ability to fall asleep as well as quality of sleep.

“TV is okay for most people if they sit far enough away from the set but if they must use a device in the evening, they can limit their exposure with a filter or protective eye wear,” says Bradberry. “And working in the evening stimulates people into an alert state when they should be winding down and relaxing in preparatio­n for sleep. Recent surveys show roughly 60 per cent of people monitor their smartphone­s for work emails until they go to sleep. Work before bed should be avoided for quality sleep.”

Waking up at the same time every day improves mood and sleep quality by regulating the circadian rhythm. “Roughly an hour before waking, hormone levels increase gradually, causing people to become more alert. This is why they often find themselves waking up just before their alarm goes off. Sleeping in on the weekend is counter-productive because it messes with the circadian rhythm. You’ll feel groggy and tired on Monday because your brain hasn’t prepared your body to be awake.”

 ??  ?? In today’s hyper-connected, “always-on” working culture, people often spend long hours working.
In today’s hyper-connected, “always-on” working culture, people often spend long hours working.

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