Weekend Herald

Schools close as pollution chokes Mexico City


Mexico City officials cancelled classes for millions of students yesterday for a second straight day as smoke from brush fires continued to choke the city of 9 million.

Both lower schools and universiti­es were closed for the pollution alert and Mayor Claudia Sheinbaum said they would remain closed until today.

“We don’t expect this situation to change until the weekend,” Sheinbaum said.

She said a light, localised rain overnight had done little to cut the pollution. The Government reported that levels of particulat­e matter of 2.5 micrometre­s or less, known as PM2.5, had reached 148 micrograms per cubic metre of air. That’s about six times the World Health Organisati­on’s daily limit. Ozone levels were also high.

The city also declared a partial driving ban, but activists of the Citizen Observator­y on Air Quality called for officials to limit polluting activities such as truck transporta­tion and constructi­on sites.

The activists said the city should include extremely small particles as a cause for imposing emergency measures. Such particles are frequently found in smoke, diesel exhaust and dust. Emergency measures are currently imposed mainly for ozone levels.

The group said “forest fires are unfortunat­ely going to be an ever more frequent problem as a result of global warming”.

Sheinbaum said officials would announce changes to the rules for declaring pollution emergencie­s next week.

Experts said seasonal rains — which usually start around this time of year — could help wash particles out of the air and damp down fires.

But social media users mocked authoritie­s for waiting for Tlaloc — the Aztec rain God — to end the pollution crisis.

Twitter users noted that Sheinbaum herself, when she was in the opposition in 2017 — tweeted that “authoritie­s are waiting for Tlaloc to save them. We need environmen­tal policies in Mexico City”.

Federal authoritie­s have also come in for criticism, after the Administra­tion of President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador cut the budget for the National Forestry Commission, reportedly by about one-third.

Federal Environmen­t Secretary Josefa Gonzalez acknowledg­ed there had been cuts in the budget for the commission, known as Conafor, which co-ordinates federal, state and municipal firefighti­ng efforts.

“It is not just the cuts to Conafor, it is also the heat and the location” of the fires that has made them hard to fight, she said.

 ?? Photos / AP ?? Mexico City also declared a partial driving ban but activists have called for the authoritie­s to do more to cut other forms of pollution.
Photos / AP Mexico City also declared a partial driving ban but activists have called for the authoritie­s to do more to cut other forms of pollution.
 ??  ?? Residents are doing what they can to deal with the conditions.
Residents are doing what they can to deal with the conditions.

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