Weekend Herald

Quick crossword



7. One-off success (5,2,3,3) 8. Merry-go-round (8) 9. Slay (4)

10. Conceal (6)

12. Tithes (6)

14. Fitting (3)

15. Daze (6) 17. Prophet (6)

19. Bill of fare (4) 21. Partially covers (8) 23. Appearing (13)


1. Decisive (5-3)

2. On land (6) 3. Objectives (4) 4. Dagger (8) 5. Gesture (6)

6. Lofty (4)

11. Drug (8)

13. Small person (colloq) (4-4)

16. Poor person (6) 18. Finally (2,4)

20. Style and energy (Fr) (4) 22. Snake-like fishes (4)

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