Weekend Herald

Question time


1. What was Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s reaction when she learned the last person with Covid-19 in New Zealand had recovered?

a) She did a little dance

b) She let out a ‘woohoo’

c) She hugged her partner Clarke

2. Why did the Finance and Expenditur­e select committee attract so much attention this week?

a) A member of the public swore at the committee chair

b) An MP muttered ‘for f **** sake’

c) No one turned up

3. Who is National leader Todd Muller’s new chief press secretary?

a) Sean Plunket

a) Bill Ralston

c) Janet Wilson

4. What was Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s reaction to The Warehouse axing 1000 jobs? a) She was angry

b) She was looking into what she could do

c) She demanded the company pay back the wage subsidy

5. According to Pike River Minister Andrew Little, what is now the main objective of going into the mine’s drift?

a) To bring back the bodies of the fallen miners

b) To gather evidence

c) To make it safe to mine again someday

6. Besides Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, who has National MP Paul Goldsmith told to “stick to their knitting”?

a) NZ First MP Shane Jones

b) Green MP Chloe Swarbrick

c) Finance Minister Grant Robertson

7. Up until May 28, how many people over the Covid crisis lodged an Expression of Interest to come to New Zealand and were declined?

a) 5000

b) 7500

c) More than 10,000

8. How many workers are expected to qualify for the wage subsidy extension?

a) 500,000

b) 750,000

c) Almost 1 million

9. How did National leader Todd Muller describe the “elbowbump” that he would no longer have to use under alert level 1?

a) Painful

b) Unnatural

c) Awkward

10. The Government has announced $1.5 million for which iconic tourist attraction?

a) Fox Glacier Heli Hike

b) Queenstown’s Shotover Jet

c) Whale Watch Kaiko¯ura

Answers: 1.a2.b3.c4.a5.b6.a7.c 8.c9.b10.c

 ??  ?? Todd Muller
Todd Muller

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