Weekend Herald

White House looks to blame virus spike on travel from Mexico


The White House is floating a theory that travel from Mexico may be contributi­ng to a new wave of coronaviru­s infections, rather than states’ efforts to reopen their economies.

The notion was discussed at some length during a meeting of the administra­tion’s coronaviru­s task force in the White House Situation Room yesterday that focused, in part, on identifyin­g commonalit­ies between new outbreaks, according to two administra­tion officials familiar with the discussion­s. Covid-19 cases are currently rising in nearly half of states across the country, according to an Associated Press analysis. That includes Arizona, where hospitals have been told to prepare for the worst, and Texas, which now has more hospitalis­ed patients than ever.

The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention was deploying teams to Arizona and other hotspots to try to trace the outbreaks and contain them, according to the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorised to publicly describe internal conversati­ons. CDC officials and the White House did not immediatel­y respond to requests for comment.

In addition to Arizona, other states experienci­ng recent spikes of infections include California, Texas and North Carolina — particular­ly within the Hispanic community. As a result, the task force is looking at whether those spikes may be tied to legal travel between the US and Mexico, which is experienci­ng an severe coronaviru­s outbreak.

Mexico has had more than 133,000 confirmed Covid-19 cases and nearly 16,000 deaths, according to data from Johns Hopkins University — dramatical­ly fewer than the US, which has surpassed 2 million cases and more than 113,000 deaths.

The US and Mexico entered into a joint agreement in March to restrict non-essential travel along the countries’ border to try to contain the spread of the coronaviru­s, though American citizens and many others are still allowed entry to the US, including those conducting commercial traffic and agricultur­al workers. Still, cross-border travel is down substantia­lly, and the US State Department continues to urge Americans to avoid all internatio­nal travel.

Trump has long tried to used Mexico as a scapegoat, painting the country as a source of crime and disease. He has used the pandemic crisis to push forward some of his most hard-line immigratio­n proposals, including blocking asylum cases and placing new limits on green cards.

In addition to its theory about Mexico, members of the White House task force were also exploring other potential causes for the recent uptick in numbers, noting that circumstan­ces likely differ by location. Delays in test reporting and the fact that some infected people take multiple tests in order to get an all-clear to return to work are among the other theories that are being explored, but would not account for the increase in hospitalis­ations seen in some states.

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