Weekend Herald

A quick word


Watercare has one job. That is to keep Auckland’s water flowing. It is failing miserably. Mayor Goff. Stop protecting, and lead. Helen Acraman, Te Atatu Peninsula.

I have just received my first election leaflet of the season. I think I will keep a careful record of all such deliveries and give my votes to the candidate and party who inflict the smallest amount of such material on me.

John Mihaljevic, Te Atatu South.

These mindless acts are indeed creating and fostering separatism. Thank you Winston Peters.

Ali Campbell, Athenree.

Do we remove our whole history from view, just because we can’t stomach our past? What a luxury it would be to wipe the slate clean every time we get offended. Maaka McCandless, Awana.

Removing historical statues in terms of hiding past injustices is the equivalent of sweeping dust under the carpet, and with similar consequenc­es.

Gary Hollis, Mellons Bay.

Every injustice should be abhorrent, not just the ones most televised. Fiona Helleur, Silverdale.

There is no denying the brutality of a small group of police who triggered this, were clearly wrong and possibly frustrated by the mandates placed on all of us: but what has transpired is equally barbaric, primitive and animalisti­c.

Max Wagstaff, Glendowie.

The slogan “Black Lives Matter” is missing a single word to prevent rebuttals of “All Lives Matter” that attempt to downplay or deny the issue. The word is “too”. Morgan L. Owens, Manurewa.

We could make carbon dioxide illegal tomorrow — but it will still be there. And so will cannabis. Andrew Montgomery, Remuera.

Resisting arrest rapidly escalates into violence. If there is a gun at play in the scenario then the situation is even more likely to escalate into a very dangerous situation.

Robbie Ancel, Sunnynook.

One of the few upsides of the lockdown was the supply of Mr Chips in our supermarke­ts. Now we have gone back to a semblance of normalcy, those chips have sadly vanished. Please mister, give us some Mr Chips chips, mister.

Kent Millar, Blockhouse Bay.

Discuss and learn history by all means, but it is not the present generation’s right to desecrate our past.

Reg Dempster, Albany.

There is a statue of Sir Edmund Hillary in O¯ rewa. Should I be worried?

L H Cleverly, Mt Roskill.

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