Weekend Herald

Question Time

- Michael Woodhouse

1. National rose by how many points in the Colmar Brunton 1News poll?

a. Three

b. Six

c. Nine

2. Where were overseas arrivals to Auckland last Saturday taken for isolation?

a. Rotorua

b. Hamilton

c. Tauranga

3. How many of the 54 people who had been released early from managed isolation had not been tested?

a. 51

b. 45

c. 31

4. Which National MP delivered a speech about Constable Matthew Hunt in Parliament?

a. Todd Muller

b. Brett Hudson

c. Mark Mitchell

5. Who wrote to National health spokesman Michael Woodhouse about his claim a homeless man got a holiday in managed isolation?

a. Health minister David Clark

b. Managed isolation minister Megan Woods

c. Social Developmen­t minister Carmel Sepuloni

6. Which MP’s book is published next week?

a. Chris Penk

b. Golriz Ghahraman

c. Judith Collins

7. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern made a birthday cake for her daughter’s second birthday in the shape of what?

a. A train

b. A bear

c. A piano

8. Which political party launched its campaign last weekend?

a. The M¯aori Party

b. Act

c. Opportunit­ies Party

9. Which minister announced protection­s for Maui and Hector’s dolphins?

a. Conservati­on Minister Eugenie Sage

b. Fisheries minister Stuart Nash

c. Environmen­t Minister David Parker

10. Who said no tribe should hold Auckland to ransom over its bid to get more water from the Waikato River?

a. Shane Jones

b. Winston Peters

c. John Tamihere

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