Weekend Herald

Davidson has stern words for Collins

- Michael Neilson

Green Party co-leader Marama Davidson says Judith Collins lacks “cultural expertise” and should leave the debate over who can speak on marae to wa¯hine Ma¯ori.

The stern comments come after Collins spoke out about not being given the chance to speak during the politician­s’ po¯whiri at Waitangi.

The politician­s were welcomed on to Te Whare Runanga on Thursday, but Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern was the only woman allowed a speaking slot.

That issue was gently raised by National’s speaker, deputy Shane Reti, during his speech in te reo Ma¯ori. He asked them to please reconsider it, saying it saddened them that the women could not speak.

In response, Nga¯puhi elder Waihoroi Shortland promised it would be allowed to happen next year.

Collins said the decision not to let her speak had disappoint­ed her.

She said it was important women growing into leadership roles knew they had the same rights as men in such situations. “It isn’t only about me or politician­s, it’s about all women — wa¯hine toa — who wish to be able to have their say.”

Davidson — of Nga¯puhi, Nga¯ti Porou and Te Rarawa — sat alongside Collins during the po¯whiri, and was also denied the opportunit­y to speak.

However yesterday she said that decision was up to the hau ka¯inga, local people of the marae, and not for visiting politician­s.

Collins’ remarks also ignored the work of wa¯hine Ma¯ori to further the discussion around tikanga, Davidson said. “[Collins] does not have the cultural expertise to be able to acknowledg­e wa¯hine Ma¯ori need to lead the discussion about what our roles are and where we put our voices.

“She does not have the cultural expertise to understand the first voice and only voice that can allow a po¯whiri to happen is the ka¯ranga [led by women], and she undermines the meaning of the ka¯ranga by coming from a Pa¯keha¯ woman’s perspectiv­e.

“In saying that Ma¯ori women have long been leading and asking for us to review our tikanga in a way that upholds the genesis of the mana of wa¯hine,” Davidson said.

Ardern — who has spoken there since she became Prime Minister — said she would support a move to allow other women leaders to speak.

“I was heartened to hear that call being made that next year it would be different. It would be fantastic to allow all leaders to speak, just as I have that privilege.”

It is far from the first time there have been debates over women speaking at Waitangi.

In 1998, then Labour opposition leader Helen Clark was reduced to tears after matriarch Titewhai Harawira blocked her from speaking on Te Tii Marae. “You let Helen Clark speak but not Ma¯ori women,” Harawira said at the time.

Ma¯ori studies academic and political commentato­r Dr Rawiri Taonui has written extensivel­y on the topic, and told the Weekend Herald the Pa¯keha¯ assumption that women sitting behind men at po¯whiri was discrimina­tory and sexist was wrong — as were decisions about who spoke.

“For Ma¯ori, the roles are equal: women in front for the karanga, men in front for whaiko¯rero, side-by-side for waiata.”

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