Weekend Herald

‘Working class . . . looked after each other’

The latest instalment of our Money Talks series, featuring well-known Kiwis talking about the impact money has had on their lives. This week: Political commentato­r Shane Te Pou

- Liam Dann

Why is it that some people are rich and some are poor? What’s at the root of inequality?

Political commentato­r Shane Te Pou has some strong views on money and has never been shy of sharing them.

“The founder of Amazon [Jeff Bezos] has tens of thousands of workers who live in poverty and I just don’t know how he can sleep at night,” he says on the latest episode of the Money Talks podcast.

A former unionist turned business executive (with data-storage company Mega), Te Pou grew up in working-class Kawerau in the 1970s with a Ma¯ori mum and Pa¯keha¯ dad.

He acknowledg­es the role strong parenting, wha¯nau support and a bit of extra discipline played in giving him a good start — even as others in his community were drawn down the gang path.

But ultimately, arguments about individual responsibi­lity only go so far, he says. “We have a generation of New Zealanders living in indentured poverty. And the inequity is growing.

“If you have a kid that goes to school hungry and cold and has poverty related diseases, like rheumatic fever, he or she is never going to get ahead. It doesn’t always work out that way, but the numbers are against the kids born in poverty.”

Te Pou describes his mum as rich, even though she worked until she was 69, held down two or three jobs and regularly went without in order to help others.

“My mum’s measuremen­t was, if I’ve got enough kai for me and my mokos then we’re doing okay and we can look after others,” he says.

Te Pou acknowledg­es his whakapapa and the Ma¯ori perspectiv­e around money and finances, but says his is also very much a story of class consciousn­ess.

“We were working-class and working-class families looked after each other,” he says.

One of his earliest memories is when Norman Kirk died in 1974 “because it really upset my father, he cried . . . it was like a brother had died.”

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