Weekend Herald

A quick word


Duri e puri (hard and pure, as we say in Italy). Bravo! A hundred times Bravo! to the New Zealand Rugby Players’ Associatio­n for saying no to selling out their brand. They teach a lesson to all greedy major soccer clubs in the world. Nadia Bailo-Piglia, Hobsonvill­e Pt.

When/if Covid passports are introduced, they will need to be as tamperproo­f as normal passports.

Pamela Russell, Orākei.

If overseas companies want our wood, then it should in a processed form, not in logs. If the companies exporting the logs are overseas companies, then we put an export tax on them. S P McMonagle, Greenhithe.

We would go a long way towards stamping out racism if all parents educated and acted accordingl­y in front of their kids. Everyone is born free of this hate. Glenn Forsyth, Taupo¯.

Property speculatio­n in NZ and other countries is still the world’s best investment year on year, hence people fight to get into it and scream like stuck pigs when anyone dares threaten the golden goose.

Jock Mac Vicar, Hauraki.

We have serious emergencie­s in our hospital system, a housing crisis and huge intergener­ational debts resulting from the pandemic. Time for ETNZ to get more inventive with its fundraisin­g ideas.

Joe O’Brien, New Lynn.

We hereby bequeath

Australia pavlova, Phar Lap and Russell Crowe (but not Crowded House), for we have Emmerson. Emma Mackintosh, Birkenhead.

I wonder how many RNZ listeners realised at the time that the moa birdsong heard on Morning Report was being broadcast on April Fool’s Day?

Jeanette Grant, Mount Eden.

Having recently moved to Snells Beach, I was surprised to learn the drinking water supply is not fluoridate­d. Why are the children living at Snells Beach missing out? John Harding, Snells Beach.

Unbelievab­ly, in order to access the vaccine, the Waikato DHB has said Coromandel doctors must travel to Hamilton. What doctor has the time to do that?

John L R Allum, Thames.

If ever a country like New Zealand needs an example of how it sells its soul then surely the hideous trade of live exports of sheep and cattle is it.

Paul Beck,

West Harbour.

The future is not taught in schools simply because politician­s have made such a hash of it.

Gary Hollis, Mellons Bay.

The proposed National Erebus Memorial is a significan­t monument and needs a wide-open space with room for a carpark. It does not deserve to be crammed into a small space in a Parnell park.

J Hummel, Forrest Hill.

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