Weekend Herald

A quick word


Murray Hunter suggests the red moon as a sign of Labour victory in 2023. He may wish to consider the next blue moon is due in August 2023, just in time for an election. Patrick Grant, Stanmore Bay.

Every time Emmerson snipes at David Seymour, ACT’s poll rating (and Seymour’s as preferred PM) rises. Keep it up.

M A Pollock, Mt Eden.

Your cartoonist portrays David Seymour as a goat, apparently not knowing it stands for “greatest of all time”.

Mike Brooke,

New Plymouth.

Gary Larsen writes (Herald, May 31) that David Seymour will take umbrage at the cartoon portraying him as a goat. Spare a thought for how the goat would feel.

Bill Mathews,

St Marys Bay.

Just read the CV of Air NZ’s Leanne Geraghty (Weekend Herald, May 29). Wow, what an achiever. Hearty congratula­tions to her. John Hampson, Meadowbank.

To the next light-thinking progressiv­e moron (or MP) who has the temerity to say to me “It takes a village to raise a child”, I will reply: “Tell that to the Centrepoin­t children”. Dylan Tipene, Ra¯nui.

When the law doesn’t agree with your opinions, you can just ignore it? I guess for cyclists it goes along with riding on footpaths or not wearing helmets.

James Archibald, Birkenhead.

New Auckland Harbour

Bridge: Second standalone bridge for cyclists, pedestrian­s confirmed . . . insanity. Andrew Montgomery, Remuera.

Having just completed a two week stint in an Auckland MIQ facility, I can’t speak highly enough of the profession­al and well co-ordinated service I experience­d.

Steve Maric, Warkworth.

Grant Dalton and his crew seem to be reflecting the well-known phrase to do with boys, toys and cot. They certainly don’t represent a team our country needs today. Emma Mackintosh, Birkenhead.

Hallucinog­enic drugs are small beer compared to the mass hallucinat­ion of limitless growth in our finite planet.

Kenneth Lees, Wha¯nga¯rei.

The world desperatel­y needs a unifying force like the Olympics. Richer countries should band together and make available a large, vaccinated health workers to vaccinate all 127 million Japanese. Robert Myers, Auckland Central.

I wonder: if it had been a Kiwi expedition to Everest, would an Englishman been picked for the final ascent? Ron Donovan, Matamata.

Maybe I’m a bit sensitive here, because Phil Mickelson and I share a close birthdate but when did our expectatio­ns of others in their prime of life become so low?

Julie Fennell, Northcote.

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