Weekend Herald

Auckland tops claims for snow injuries

ACC data shows $11.9m spent on skiing, snowboardi­ng in NZ this year

- Devon Bolger

‘Have a Hmmm’ to assess if your ability matches the trail grade, and end your day when you start to feel fatigue.

Kirsten Malpas, ACC

Auckland has had the highest number of claims for skiing and snowboardi­ng injuries of any region this year.

Data from ACC released to the Herald shows $11.9 million has been spent so far this year up until June 30, with 1018 new claims. That follows the $31.7m spent on snow sports last year, the highest in five years — $29.4 million was spent in 2019.

In previous years, Otago has had the most skiing and snowboardi­ng injuries of any region with 5511 claims last year, followed by Canterbury with

2208 and Manawatu¯-Whanganui with

1890. Auckland fell in the middle of the list with 1201 last year.

But things are looking different this season with just 164 new claims in Otago and 219 in Canterbury so far. Auckland has the highest with 362 new claims, according to data shared under the Official Informatio­n Act.

With Covid-19 travel restrictio­ns, New Zealanders hit the ski slopes in record numbers in a restricted 2020 season, an ACC spokespers­on said.

The Queenstown Lakes district ski areas, in particular, reported a large increase in New Zealanders visiting their resorts, especially over the school holidays when visitor numbers on some days outstrippe­d 2019.

In Otago alone, the cost of helping people recover from skiing injuries was $7.6m, while $4.2 million went on snowboardi­ng injuries.

Across New Zealand, there were

12,539 snow sport-related claims —

7871 (skiing) and 4668 (snowboardi­ng) — which was slightly down on the 13,780 claims accepted in 2019.

The 45-54 age group had the greatest number of skiing injuries (1686), while the 20-29 age group was the most prominent for snowboardi­ng injuries (1765) in 2020.

The data shows skiing is much more likely to result in injury than snowboardi­ng, with almost double the amount of new claims last year.

There were 7950 new claims for skiing injuries, with $21.3m spent, and 4686 for snowboardi­ng, with $10.3 million spent. A total of 1416 people suffered fractures or dislocatio­ns while 440 people made claims for concussion­s or brain injuries last year. Soft tissue injury is the most common diagnosis.

Knee injuries are the most common for skiers, with 119 claims made in 2020. A total of 751 claims were made for shoulder injuries — the most common for snowboarde­rs.

Male snowboarde­rs (2962) suffered 58 per cent more injuries than females (1724) last year.

In the past five years, ACC has spent almost $140m helping people recover from snow sports injuries.

ACC injury prevention leader Kirsten Malpas is encouragin­g all Kiwis to share the slopes safely.

“There’s nothing better than a weekend away with your mates or family enjoying perfect conditions on the mountain,” she says. “We want everyone to embrace that and enjoy this winter season on the slopes.

“But our claims data shows us that the skiing slopes are a high-risk place for injury. We are encouragin­g anyone who is heading to the mountain to take a moment.

“‘Have a Hmmm’ to assess if your ability matches the trail grade, and end your day when you start to feel fatigue creeping in.”

Malpas encouraged any casual skiers and snowboarde­rs to hit the gym and strengthen their legs to make sure they were ready for the rigours of a day on the slopes.

In April, ACC launched an injury prevention campaign called Preventabl­e. It is based on research that shows that 90 per cent of injuries are predictabl­e and therefore preventabl­e.

ACC spends around $80m every year on injury prevention.

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