Weekend Herald

Peace hopes fade as Taliban advance

US officials increasing­ly pessimisti­c as balance of power shifts in Afghanista­n


As Taliban fighters make startlingl­y swift advances across Afghanista­n, Biden administra­tion officials continue to pin their hopes on a peace deal that would halt the country’s relentless violence with a powershari­ng agreement.

They have stressed, at least in their public statements, that the peace process could succeed, even as the United States military withdraws from the country and as critics say the talks should be declared a charade and scrapped.

But now even the most encouragin­g US officials increasing­ly concede in public what they have previously said in private: that prospects of a negotiated outcome, which could partially salvage the 20-year US project in Afghanista­n, appear to be fading fast.

President Joe Biden’s special envoy for Afghanista­n, Zalmay Khalilzad, offered a downbeat assessment of what he called the “difficult situation” in the country and the wide gaps between Taliban and Afghan government negotiator­s.

“They are far apart,” Khalilzad said during an appearance at the annual Aspen Security Forum on Wednesday.

Privately, US officials are even more pessimisti­c.

Yesterday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke with Afghanista­n’s second-ranking government official, Abdullah Abdullah, and “discussed ways to accelerate peace negotiatio­ns and achieve a political settlement”, the State Department said in a statement.

It was the latest public expression of support by the Biden administra­tion for talks known as an “intraAfgha­n dialogue”, which began last September as part of a deal between the Trump administra­tion and the Taliban that paved the way for the withdrawal of US forces. Meetings between Taliban leaders and Afghan government officials continue on a sporadic basis in Doha, Qatar, including a session in mid-July.

The prospect of a peace deal gives Biden officials something hopeful to point to amid charges that, by withdrawin­g troops from the country, they have abandoned America’s Afghan allies to Taliban conquest and severe theocratic rule.

But Biden officials have struggled in recent weeks to deflect fears that the group has cynically exploited the peace talks to buy time and provide political cover for a US exit.

“The Taliban must stop this ongoing violence; they must stop it,” Ned Price, the State Department spokespers­on, told reporters on Thursday. He said the Taliban have an inherent interest in avoiding the endless civil war that is likely to persist in the absence of a power-sharing deal.

But Price acknowledg­ed that the group’s stepped-up violence — including a recent bombing in Kabul outside the home of Afghanista­n’s acting defence minister — had shaken confidence in such assumption­s.

“Taliban leaders continue to say one thing — namely that they support a negotiated solution with conflict,” Price said, adding that “those words ring hollow” amid the continuing attacks.

Even as they storm villages and cities across the country, raising questions about whether Afghan security forces can defend major cities including the capital, Kabul, Taliban leaders insist they have genuine interest in a peace agreement.

Last month, Taliban leader Mawlawi Haibatulla­h Akhundzada said that “in spite of the military gains and advances” by his forces, “the Islamic Emirate strenuousl­y favours a political settlement in the country”. The Islamic Emirate is what the Taliban called their government when they were in power.

The statement came as Taliban representa­tives met with Afghan government officials, including Abdullah, for a round of talks in Doha. US officials say the meeting accomplish­ed little, although Khalilzad tried to strike an optimistic tone afterward.

“There is more that unites than divides the parties,” he wrote on Twitter.

But when rockets fell near the presidenti­al palace in Kabul as those talks concluded, President Ashraf Ghani fumed that the Taliban had “no intention and willingnes­s to make peace”.

And in an address to his country’s Parliament this week, Ghani — who felt forced to the negotiatin­g table by the United States — complained about an “imported, hasty” peace process. “The Taliban do not believe in lasting or just peace,” he added.

Ghani has a personal stake in the talks. One sticking point has been a Taliban demand that he step down as part of a transition to a new government. Ghani insists that he is the country’s legitimate elected leader.

But the group’s demands are wider. In a report on the Afghan peace process early this year, the nonprofit Internatio­nal Crisis Group found that Afghan officials “worry that a political settlement, under the present circumstan­ces, would scrap the constituti­onal order erected over the past two decades and essentiall­y restore the Taliban to power”.

Khalilzad said on Wednesday that the Taliban were demanding “the lion’s share” of power in a new government — and using their military gains as leverage.

“They’re trying to affect each other’s calculus, and the terms, by what they are doing in the battlefiel­d,” he said.

Vanda Felbab-Brown, the director of the Initiative on Nonstate Armed Actors at the Brookings Institutio­n in Washington, said that the only negotiatio­ns the Taliban now take seriously are attempts to strike unofficial deals with Afghan warlords and other power brokers, in an effort to peel away support from the government and help organise a takeover of much or all of the country.

“The Taliban is not interested in negotiatin­g seriously right now because of what’s happening on the battlefiel­d,” Felbab-Brown said. “Essentiall­y what the Taliban has put on the table” in the talks with Afghan officials in Doha “is surrender terms”.

Russia and Iran have recently hosted Taliban representa­tives for talks, a sign that those countries are positionin­g themselves to deal with the group if it takes much or all political power in Afghanista­n.

Andrew Watkins, the senior analyst for Afghanista­n at the Internatio­nal Crisis Group, said that the Biden administra­tion — mindful of many other competing interests in the region — seemed unwilling to pressure China and Russia to the extent that would be necessary to make those countries adopt a tougher stance toward the Taliban.

Watkins said that, however bleak the prospects appear now, it is important for US officials to keep the peace process alive.

If the Afghan government can stiffen its defences, defend major cities like Kabul and fight the Taliban to a stalemate in the coming months, the group may choose to return to the negotiatin­g table, he said.

“There’s absolutely still value in keeping an open channel of dialogue alive,” he said. “To let the talks completely collapse” would mean that, if both sides decide they can best achieve their goals through politics and not violence, “they would be starting over at square one”.

 ?? Photos: Getty Images. Graphic News / Herald graphic ?? Afghan security forces in Kabul after an explosion followed by gunfire hit the capital this week. Inset: A Taliban fighter.
Photos: Getty Images. Graphic News / Herald graphic Afghan security forces in Kabul after an explosion followed by gunfire hit the capital this week. Inset: A Taliban fighter.

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