Weekend Herald

Super reset


John Roughan observes (Weekend Herald, August 6) correctly that “government­s of both parties . . . remain prisoners to the most insidious rationale for universal superannua­tion — the idea that, without it, the well-off would not accept the high taxes needed to sustain the welfare state”.

Clearly, universali­sm worked in the past because there were both fewer superannui­tants and vastly fewer wealthy people. There was also more generous support for families raising children who are so vital for a healthy, ageing, society.

But the demographi­cs have changed significan­tly, so too the taxation regime. It is timely to reset the model, not by implementi­ng more universal measures but substantia­l provision for the most needy and significan­t support for the young. Janfrie Wakim, Epsom.

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