Weekend Herald

Social responsibi­lities


Bruce Cotterill (Weekend Herald, September 24) seems to have only a limited knowledge of how councils actually work.

For instance, the power the bureaucrac­y (CEO, and council officers) has overall, in influencin­g the formulatio­n and enactment of a council’s policy-making.

He cites the pursuit of “democracy” as a major factor in assessing candidates’ election promises — yet the public has no “democratic” say as to who these bureaucrat­s are. They are unelected, and so are “democratic­ally untouchabl­e”, in spite of the significan­ce of their mandated policy influence.

Cotterill repeats the flawed mantra that “success in business” qualifies someone to take on the much broader societal responsibi­lities that government — national or local — also requires when elected.

Millionair­e businessma­n John Key lacked leadership in the fight against climate change, being “quite comfortabl­e” for New Zealand to lag behind internatio­nally, as a so-called “fast follower”; increased the income gap between rich and poor through his tax cuts; raised GST to pay for them, which hurt middle- and lowincome earners the most; and ran annual deficits all through his tenure. Clyde Scott, Birkenhead.

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