Weekend Herald

Your views


An appeal to lower the voting age to 16 has been accepted by New Zealand’s highest court — but only Parliament can decide if the law will change. Herald readers shared their views.

Lesley Findley

Since when does the Supreme Court make the laws for NZ? Thought they were there to uphold the laws, not make them.

Shane Harris

The Supreme Court has been hijacked by the woke left, their influence has then filtered down to the judges making soft decisions on a daily basis!

Lisa Kissel

That would then open up age discrimina­tion for drinking, driver licence, gambling all sorts. See how they go after the can of worms is opened.

Dug Buloch

Ok, but if 16-year-olds can make informed decisions who to vote for, then it is only right to drop the age of criminalit­y to 16 as well.

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