Weekend Herald

Wayne Brown


The highs and the lows

March 29, 2022

Brown launched his mayoral campaign written on the back of research that came up with the winning slogan to “Fix Auckland’.

October 14, 2022

Wins mayoral contest by thrashing Efeso Collins, and seeing off Leo Molloy and Viv Beck who pull the pin before polling day.

Later that night

Transport chair Adrienne Young-Cooper resigns after getting wind Brown wants her gone.

The next morning

Ina letter to Aucklander­s, Brown promises no sudden shocks to family budgets and building a functionin­g team, free of political labels.

Herald on Sunday December 2022

Draft of Brown’s first budget adopted with proposed widespread cuts to services and sale of the council’s airport shares.

January 27, 2023

Auckland deluged with record rainfall, claiming four lives. Questions were asked about the whereabout­s of the mayor. Deputy Mayor Desley Simpson steps up when the disaster strikes.

January 30

Leaked Whatsapp message in which Brown gripes about having to cancel tennis “to deal with media drongos over the flooding”. He later regrets using the term.

February 22 Chief executive Jim Stabback

quits giving six months’ notice, but leaves six weeks earlier.

March 23

Brown persuades the council to withdraw from Local Government NZ.

April 13

A damning review commission­ed by Brown into the January floods finds a “system failure” of leadership in the first 12 hours. Brown does not attend the release of the review.

June 29

The Government begins a process to allow denser housing along the light rail route. Brown calls it “a bombing run”.

June 29

A heavily revised budget is adopted, with most service cuts abandoned and partial sale of airport shares. Household rates rise 7.7 per cent.

August 7

Brown criticises the Government’s Waitemata tunnel crossing plan with tunnels and light rail, says Auckland should be calling the shots on cheaper and faster transport solutions.

August 25

$2 billion cost-sharing buyout with the Government for 700 uninhabita­ble properties and other storm-related costs.


Brown’s nomination for chair of Auckland Transport, his friend Andrew Ritchie, is rejected by the council.

September 29

Long-term plan negotiatio­ns begin, with big decisions to be made on service cuts, asset sales and/or big rate increases.

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