Weekend Herald

A quick word


One way of giving billions of dollars a year back to the people of NZ is tax the heck out of the globalist companies that make plenty of money out of our country every year, taking billions in profits with them. Wood, dairy, water exporters, and banks all come to mind.

Glenn Forsyth, Taupo¯.

New Zealand has lost a great and humanitari­an researcher in Richie Poulton, who was the director of the Dunedin Multidisci­plinary Health and Disciplina­ry Study. Sadly, his death is almost in vain with respect to our politician­s, who have not engaged or put forward any meaningful policies to seriously help with child poverty, the consequenc­es of which have been major findings of the study.

John Hancock, Freeman’s Bay.

For those unsure who to vote for, take a look at the current state of our health system. Personally, as an older person, I wouldn’t want to be treated in an ambulance for hours because there is no bed available.

Janet Boyle, O¯ rewa.

It was interestin­g that James Shaw pushed his climate agenda in the latest debate without reference to Marama Davidson’s extremelef­tist policies. So, who is the boss?

Ian Doube, Rotorua.

So, Grant Robertson claims a scam from the leading party in the polls. Perhaps he has forgotten, or more likely has chosen to forget, the policies Labour kept secret in the last campaign and introduced only after they became the Government?

Brent Marshall, Whangapara¯oa.

How many civil servants will be required to run the Ministry Of Space I wonder.

Alan Johnson, Papatoetoe.

Don’t tell me it was a coincidenc­e that the TVNZ political debate on Thursday was followed by the programme Would I Lie To You?

Ross Allen, Rotorua.

I wonder who footed the bill for the PM, along with his entourage, for the hotel accommodat­ion and food following Mr Hipkins testing positive for Covid in Auckland. Hopefully it was not the long-suffering taxpayer but I suspect that that may not be the case. Mike Baker, Tauranga.

How does the NZRU handle Foster coming back with the World Cup? Chris Parker, Campbells Bay.

So the PM is out of isolation today and back on the campaign. He does, however, face potentiall­y three years of isolation post-election day!

Garry Wycherley, Awakino.

Luxon and Seymour have concerns about being involved in a coalition with Peters. I don’t blame them. As the results of the TVNZ poll show, Luxon can solve his own problem. A coalition of National and Greens would produce a very constructi­ve government. Charlie Deam, Waiheke Island.

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