Weekend Herald

A quick word


Today I received my account from Watercare — the second for October. I did not receive a bill for September. Why is it that electricit­y companies and other utilities can provide a regular monthly account and Watercare cannot? It certainly does not make financial planning easy.

Greg Cave, Sunnyvale.

The Good Oil? We may have a history of success in motor racing, but this is 2023, not the 20th century. Together with global warming and consequent climate change the good oil is best left in the ground or reserved for essential services. Let’s cheer when New Zealanders can aspire to excellence using alternativ­e energy for better purposes than tearing around a race circuit.

Peter Smith, Devonport.

Anyone who has had the misfortune of phoning Internal Affairs, and being put on hold, are either suffering from illness induced by the catatonic “music” or hung up for fear of suffering from one.

Ian Doube, Rotorua.

Maybe it’s because of the growing popularity of vinyl, but I seem to be hearing a lot of cracked records lately.

Renton Brown, Pukekohe.

With all these conflicts popping up around the world there’s a chance we could run out of bullets and that’s when there will be peace on earth.

Bernard Walker, Pāpāmoa.

Let’s hope referee Wayne Barnes is fit enough to keep up with the forward passes in the All Blacks v Ireland quarter final match at the RWC.

Gary Carter, Gulf Harbour.

Wayne Barnes is refereeing the All Blacks quarter-final game in France. I’m sorry to say, all hope of victory is lost.

Rex Lyden, Mt Roskill.

With all the rhetoric about the Treaty of Waitangi, I wonder how many New Zealanders have actually read it? It is a unique document. No other country was colonised by agreement, not force. It is also a very short document. Why don’t you publish it in the Herald so everyone can read exactly what the arguments are about?

Jeanette Grant, Mt Eden.

I don’t watch a lot of telly, when I do, the only two programmes that appear are The Chase ,or Tipping Point, and not much else. Is this what our entertainm­ent choices have come to? No wonder my internet usage is off the scale.

John Ford, Napier.

I’m sure Gwynne Dyer (NZH, Oct 13) is sincere. But he is ill-informed when he claims “Aboriginal­s have been in Australia for 65,000 years but have never developed agricultur­e themselves.” He is also mistaken when he claims new arrivals never respected them “because they couldn’t fight back”. They did fight back — and lost. Visit the exhibition of First Peoples Art at the Auckland Art Gallery to see the chronicle of conflict across the length and breadth of Australia post-European settlement.

Graeme Marshall, Takanini.

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