Weekend Herald

A quick word


I don’t mind a beer or a glass of wine after work, but why do people need alcohol to watch the Rugby World Cup in the morning? Why don’t pubs and bars just have coffee and tea? I don’t want to be driving anytime after 8am on match days knowing our drink driving population is out and about 12 hours earlier than usual.

Steve Horne, Raglan.

Terrorists or freedom fighters? Depends which eye you are looking through. Easy to name the enemy any which way you choose.

Eric Bennett, Red Beach.

Thanks for the story about the absconding corker porkers (NZ Herald, October 27). Pigs are delightful animals and their exploits out and about in greater Auckland show they know how to use their intelligen­ce.

Lorraine Kidd , Warkworth.

If a hurricane hit New Zealand now who would be in charge — National or Labour?

Nick Hamilton, Remuera.

For a generation of women Jacinda Ardern was a beacon of hope that politics can be empathetic with a focus on wellbeing for all. Now we are back to square one, pun intended. Chris Luxon, unable to reorganise his “busy” schedule for a debate during election week, proritisin­g instead wearing high vis in photo ops whilst refusing to communicat­e with the public, via the media, on anything that matters. Ardern cancelled her wedding in solidarity with the nation, was always available for comment, and inspired hundreds of thousands of young woman around the world to see there is a better way to lead. Back to boring men in suits that no one will care about when they’re gone.

Is it too much to be grateful?

Samantha Cunningham, Henderson.

I see that David Seymour wants the Reserve Bank Operating Remit stripped back to the 90s. Would that be the 1890s?

Geoff Leckie, Flatbush.

We are told that Grant Robertson has gone to the World Cup final. Has he really just gone to see his brother Scott Razor Robertson?

Dave Miller, Tauranga.

If the white English player had uttered the same racial slur to the black South African player would he be free to play?

Wendy Tighe-Umbers, Parnell.

So the board of Pharmac have admonished their CEO, Sarah Fitt, with a wet bus ticket. In my opinion she is not fit for purpose.

Glennys Adams, Waiheke Island.

It’s three years since I was last cycling the city streets. In the intervenin­g years there seems very few grown-ups able to go for a walk without either carrying a baby bottle or putting something in, or over their ears. The members of this vanishing group are readily identified; they are the people who are more likely to look you in the eye, say hello and smile.

John Bannister, Mahia Peninsula

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