Weekend Herald

A quick word


Has Watercare, the University of Auckland and/or the Cawthron Institute done any research on where the more than 200 million litres of raw sewage from the Parnell sinkhole ended up? Perhaps Waitemat¯a Harbour swimmers and fish and bird species are still swallowing and digesting it? Bruce Tubb, Devonport.

I read in Don Brash’s opinion piece (NZ Herald, Dec 23) that China was never an expansioni­st military power. Perhaps Brash should read a little more history. Who lost the battle of Talas in 731 AD, in what is now Kazakhstan? Why does a map of the Chinese Qing Empire of

1789 show it extending into Kyrgyzstan, and four other countries there paying tribute? What happened to the Dzungarian people in

1758? Dave Nevin, Kamo.

There are always unsung heroes of tragedies across the world. On the evening of the Tangiwai disaster, a number of farmers in the Mangam¯ah¯u area were out in their rubber dinghies collecting bodies from the swollen and raging Whangaehu River. The bodies were taken to my father’s woolshed. Jude Collins, Ellerslie.

What tosh from Richard Prebble (NZ Herald, Dec 27). Rabbiting on about a range of issues he has no answers for. This is the man who with his Douglas-era conspirato­rs destroyed NZ Rail along with the many strong institutio­ns that were the backbone of a growing NZ economy. I wouldn’t let him advise on lollipop duties outside a school, let alone an educationa­l structure.

Stuart Perry, Ha¯wera.

Ball in play time at the last Rugby World Cup was officially 34 minutes plus a few seconds out of the total 80 minutes. Compared with rugby league and football this is a disgrace.

Larry N. Mitchell, Rothesay Bay.

What a brilliant opinion piece in the Herald (Dec 27) by Jim Quinn on governance at Kiwi Rail. You could not find a more compelling demonstrat­ion why government­s should not allow politics to be involved in the ownership and operation of major commercial enterprise­s.

Phil Chitty, Albany.

Jim Quinn writes how the excessive churn in directors on the KiwiRail board, 337 per cent, impacts on the chance of success of long-term projects; as do changes in government I suspect. But if this is the norm for this particular company, surely successive board members were and are aware of it. Or are they somehow all naive about the impact of excessive board churn and government politics? Bernard Jennings, Island Bay.

Simon Wilson (Herald, Dec 26) blames an increasing road toll on Kiwis not buying into the “road to zero” campaign. However, the changes have made driving harder, intersecti­ons trickier, lanes merge out of the blue, multiple road signs etc causing major distractio­ns.

Steve Dransfield, Karori.

Chris Hipkins says he is not sure why Labour lost the election. One reason could be some politician­s haven’t learned to be humble knowing they are in the government only because of the voters. Mohammed Yakub, Ma¯ngere East.

Martin Luther King jr, soon before he was assassinat­ed, said, “Darkness cannot defeat darkness, only light can do that”. And “Hate cannot defeat hate, only love can do that”. Oh, that people in Gaza and Israel would learn from King Solomon: “If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; if he is thirsty, give him water to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head, and the Lord will reward you.” (Proverbs 25:21-22) Nigel Mander, Upper Hutt.

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