Weekend Herald

Actually visit a hospital? Yes Minister.

- Jon Eriksen, Parnell.

Alex Spence’s article on the safety of our health system (Weekend Herald, Jan 13) referenced the 35-page Te Whatu Ora report into issues at Hawke’s Bay Hospital radiology department.

I’ve read the report.

It identifies 12 areas of technical issues with the IT systems and applicatio­ns supporting the radiology department.

Yet neither of the two sponsors for the report, nor any of the 11 people interviewe­d for the report appear, from the title for their roles, to have responsibi­lities or qualificat­ions for technical systems or applicatio­ns.

This despite the writer of the report that was the catalyst for the Te Whatu Ora report stating that inadequate and poorly maintained systems contribute to the issues raised and investigat­ed.

This appears to be a classic case of “a report was written so we need to engage another team who don’t quite have expertise in all areas addressed by the report to comment on the report”.

Seems like a classic example from that classic television programme Yes Minister.

Some of the issues are reported to be planned to be addressed by February 2024.

This is an ideal opportunit­y for the new Minister of Health to ask for an update by the end of February on those planned actions and also an update at the same time on actions for the rest of the recommenda­tions to resolve not only the technical issues but the broader process and culture issues.

He might even be able to take the time to visit the radiology department and talk to the staff.

That in itself would show that they are now being listened to.

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