Weekend Herald

Abandoned boy stole tomatoes to survive


A 9-year-old French boy abandoned for two years in a flat without heating or electricit­y was forced to steal tomatoes to survive but still managed to attend school every day.

The case has gripped France in recent days after grim details about the child’s abandonmen­t emerged during a trial that ended with his mother being jailed for neglect.

A court in Angouleme heard how he had been left to fend for himself in the south-western village of Nersac between 2020 and 2022, at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic.

His 39-year-old mother, identified only as Alexandra, lived with her boyfriend 5km away.

The boy survived by living off cookies, cakes and canned food that she would occasional­ly drop off, as well as tomatoes pilfered from a neighbour’s garden, the court heard.

During winter months, the boy tried to keep warm by wrapping himself in three duvets because the apartment, part of a social housing block, was unheated and without electricit­y.

Despite his abandonmen­t, the boy still managed to attend his nearby school every day, the court heard.

He was described as “very mature and very resilient”.

Teachers were reportedly unaware of his situation and considered him to be a model student.

But fellow classmates said the boy was open about his abandonmen­t.

“He told classmates he ate alone and took the bus alone. He didn’t go out, he stayed at home,” one student told French TV.

Police first began looking into the case after concerned neighbours raised the alarm.

His mother, who is separated from the boy’s father and had custody over him, denied to officers and in court that she had abandoned her son.

“I’m not a mother hen, but he’s still my son,” she told the court.

She had earlier claimed to police that the boy visited her at her boyfriend’s home. But investigat­ions revealed she had only visited the apartment where her son lived twice in his final 12 months there.

The child is now in foster care and reportedly refuses to see his mother, who was sentenced to 18 months in prison, 12 of which were suspended, for abandonmen­t of a minor.

She is currently serving the sentence under house arrest and has been ordered to undergo counsellin­g.

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