Weekend Herald

A quick word


Good on Auckland Council for cracking down on lawbreakin­g miscreants such as the couple putting up offensive signs at Long Bay. They should send them the bill for their removal. After all, according to their code of practice, they would have to engage consultant­s to determine the compliance of the signs, send in two large trucks, 75 road cones and an army of workers in hi-vis vests and hard hats. Very expensive. Laurence Mallon, Te Atatu¯.

After suffering serious mental stress on the potential confiscati­on of Salisbury Reserve and public ridicule I have departed on my helicopter to the beach house at Cooks Beach and intend to plan my recovery while fishing on my launch around the Mercury Islands.

David Johnson, Herne Bay.

Is there a computer programme available that can guestimate the nationwide “sickies” laundered on Monday? How “Kiwi” is that? Gerry O’Meeghan, Pa¯pa¯moa.

Fast food advertisin­g showing the joy of eating while driving doesn’t seem to fit with our need to have safe driving habits.

Stuart Mackenzie, O¯ hura.

I am disgusted by the way Australia is able to snatch our police staff in such numbers. I call on the Government to pay them what they are worth, that way we will have more young people wanting to join the force. Get your act together, please.

David Cave, Hillsborou­gh.

Forget the old catchcry of “Party at Tony Brown’s”. Instead, the new abbreviate­d version could be “Braai at Brown’s”.

Steve Horne, Raglan.

Having recently paid over $200 in parking fees in less than a week at North Shore Hospital made me realise the added, unnecessar­y burden it causes to the already overstress­ed visitors — particular­ly the lower paid, the disabled and the cashstrapp­ed pensioners etc. One does not visit a hospital by choice. Even the marvellous, hardworkin­g, underresou­rced nursing and medical and other staff have to pay between $3 and $5 per day for car parking. Sadly, yet again it appears that Wilson Parking has a licence to print money.

Bruce Tubb, Devonport.

I’m just wondering when Waitangi Day turned into Waitangi 10 days . . . and counting.

Colleen Wright, Botany Downs.

I believe the Greens will fall apart now without their co-leader James Shaw as he was the backbone of his party and they have very little depth to call on.

Gary Stewart, Foxton Beach.

Many people will be saddened by the departure of Green Party co-leader James Shaw as he cycles into the sunset staying true to his environmen­tal principles to the last.

Perry Harlen, Mt Maunganui.

Social welfare experts advocate “wrap-around” support for persistent ram-raiders, robbers, etc. The only “wraparound” support that would make small business owners safe (and would work) is wrapping the offenders around with bars.

Ian Doube, Rotorua.

It’s a terrible indictment on the Midwifery Council that it’s intending to erase the words “woman” and “mother” from its scope of practice.” Who does the council think midwives are responsibl­e for? Surely it’s a woman, mother and baby. The reasons it has given for the removal of such lovely, important words smacks of wokeism. Lorraine Kidd, Warkworth.

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