Weekend Herald

Potato, onion and feta frittata

- — Yvonne Lorkin

Ready in 35 minutes Serves 4-6

3 Tbsp olive oil

2 onions, halved then thinly sliced

4 medium potatoes, peeled and boiled in salted water for 5 minutes

8-10 eggs

100g feta cheese, crumbled

1 tsp salt

Several grinds black pepper

2 Tbsp finely chopped parsley, dill or basil

Heat 2 Tbsp of the olive oil in a large ovenproof frying pan. Add onions and cook over a gentle heat for 10 minutes until soft, but not browned. Slice cooked, cooled potatoes into ½cm thin slices.

Whisk eggs with salt and pepper. Add onions, potatoes, feta and parsley to eggs and stir to combine.

Heat the remaining oil in a large frying pan over a low heat. Add egg and potato mixture. Move eggs around pan, using a spatula to loosen under the crust and allow raw egg to seep into the base. Once it starts to set, leave it to cook over gentle heat until starting to set around the edges (about 8 minutes).

Preheat the grill and grill until the top is set and golden and starting to puff. Eat straight away or leave to cool in the pan and serve at room temperatur­e.

If you don’t have a heavy cast iron frying pan, place a large plate on top of the pan and carefully flip over to invert the frittata on to the plate, then slide back into pan. NOTE: Traditiona­lly the potatoes are cooked in a lot of oil but I find it much easier (and the result is lighter) to boil the potatoes. It’s easy to burn the bottom so don’t be tempted to turn up the heat — some things you can get away with burning but an egg is not one of them.

Match this with ...

Kereru Flyboy Gluten-Free Rice Lager (330ml x 6 $42)

Let the sexy, savoury nature of this frisky frittata fly high with a tall, cool, frothy schooner of Flyboy. Got a case of the coeliacs and don’t want to get glutenised? Or a dicky tummy or bloated bowels? Then this crisp, bouncy, rice and sorghum-based brew has your abdominal health and safety sorted. Made with New Zealand Pacifica hops, it’s a clean, zesty, little pour of mediumbodi­ed, malt-laced magic that roars with this recipe. kererubrew­ing.co.nz

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