Weekend Herald

Man jailed over $400k jewellery heists

21-year-old joined young teens in brazen raids on Auckland stores

- Craig Kapitan Open Justice

Your offending is exactly what the public and retailers are fearful of. Judge Nicola Mathers

A young man who joined groups of underage teens in two brazen daylight robberies of high-end Auckland jewellery stores — causing losses of over $400,000 and resulting in the hospitalis­ation of an off-duty police officer who tried to intervene — has been sent to prison.

“Your offending is exactly what the public and retailers are fearful of and, quite frankly, sick of,” Judge Nicola Mathers told Elijah Jamal Teua Herewini Rawiri, 21, as he returned to the Auckland District Court on Thursday, four months after a jury found him guilty of a swath of crimes dating back to 2022.

Authoritie­s said Rawiri and two 17-year-olds first set sights on Gold House, a pawn shop specialisi­ng in jewellery and other luxury items in Victoria St, directly across the street from SkyCity Casino.

The trio stole a parked Toyota Aqua in Parnell on the afternoon of May 19, 2022, before driving to the business wearing gloves and face masks. As a Gold House employee pushed a button to allow a customer to leave around 4.45pm, the young assailants rushed the entrance with tyre irons and began yelling for staff to get on the ground.

Smashing glass cabinets inside the business, they shovelled high-end jewellery and handbags with an estimated total value of $161,425 into a black backpack, also robbing a customer of his mobile phone. They fled the store two minutes after they had entered, shattering the glass door as they left and running multiple red lights as they made their way to another vehicle they had stashed in nearby Grafton.

There were no immediate arrests, but Rawiri was apprehende­d about three months later after an even more audacious smash-and-grab believed to have involved up to six other young offenders and witnessed by dozens of Queen St pedestrian­s.

Their bumbling escape was caught on video.

The bandits piled into a stolen Honda Fit this time before arriving at The Hour Glass jewellery store around 3.35pm. Four of them smashed the front door of the business with a tyre iron and carjack, causing staff and customers to flee to the back of the store as they raided jewellery cabinets. Three others remained outside to fight off Good Samaritans who tried to intervene, police alleged.

One of the bystanders who tried to intervene was an off-duty officer, who saw the stolen Honda was empty and tried to turn off the engine to thwart their escape. But two of the assailants began swinging weapons at him, with one managing to connect with what a witness described to the Weekend Herald as a “sickening blow full on the top of the head”.

The officer, who was bleeding, was taken to the hospital with moderate injuries. Two bags of loot were left behind during the hasty retreat and a young suspect was abandoned by his mates, pinned down by bystanders.

“I actually felt weirdly sorry for him,” one witness said of the pinned assailant, estimating his age to be 10 or 11. “Where are his parents? Has he been taught to do this stuff ?”

Another witness said it was an “absolutely terrifying experience”.

“After the incident, I asked the offender on the ground, ‘What the heck do you think you were doing?’ He replied, ‘I’m only 13, let me go’.”

But Rawiri was among the others who were able to flee, police said.

A video posted on social media after the robbery showed the Honda with its hatchback door still open speeding down the busy thoroughfa­re before doing a U-turn so that three balaclava-wearing young men sprinting behind it could jump inside. A person could be seen in the boot as the car sped away, the door still open.

Judge Mathis said on Thursday that the group managed to cause the business over a quarter of a million dollars in damage and stolen items.

A former Hour Glass employee said in a victim impact statement that the incident caused a once enjoyable job to be rife with fear and stress. The employee changed careers as a result.

Rawiri’s last offence for which he was sentenced last week occurred weeks after the Hour Glass robbery, when police in Papakura saw him punching a young woman in the face multiple times and tried to pull over his vehicle. The pursuit was called off, the judge noted, after he began overtaking vehicles, driving up to an estimated 122km/h in a 50km/h zone.

“In all respects, it is criminalit­y of the worst kind,” she said of the combined offences.

While she didn’t refer to specific details of his upbringing, the judge said “it makes very depressing reading” and it was “quite remarkable” his Youth Court history was minimal prior to his adult offending.

Crown prosecutor Seleti Taimani acknowledg­ed the defendant’s upbringing deserved considerat­ion but pointed out the robberies were premeditat­ed rather than a result of the impulsiven­ess of youth.

The judge determined a 10-year starting point for Rawiri but allowed an end sentence of six years’ imprisonme­nt, taking into account his youth, remorse and background.

“It is a tragedy for you and your family that you are here before me at the age of 21 with a substantia­l prison sentence,” Mathers said, encouragin­g the young father to enrol in prison programmes that might help him with life skills when released.

“Now is the time for you to turn your life around and think about the future.”

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