Western Leader

Meth addict turns life around



William Swift was on a very different path a year-and-a-half ago.

The Massey resident was addicted to methamphet­amine, alcohol and had wanted to end his own life.

‘‘It all started when my dad went to prison, I guess it was a sense of that feeling of not having a father figure. As I got a bit older I started hanging out with the wrong crowd and I was introduced to alcohol at a younger age but I wouldn’t have called myself an alcoholic.’’

The 25-year-old started drinking alcohol when he was around 14 and was then introduced to drugs.

‘‘After a while I started using it for an escape and I started looking for harder things. I was drinking excessivel­y and then I found a drug called meth and that’s when I got into crime and robbery.’’

Swift was addicted after three or four times of using methamphet­amine and was hooked for five years. He also suffered anxiety, depression and tried committing suicide multiple times.

‘‘I was in debt up to my eyeballs, I was sitting in bed reflecting how old I was and the opportunit­ies that I’d turned down.

‘‘One of the biggest things was realising that I hadn’t spoken to my daughter for three to four months...because I was more worried about where I was going to get my next fix from.’’

It was at that point Swift rang his mum and decided he needed to change his life.

He was admitted to hospital for three-and-a-half weeks followed by rehab. He has been clean ever since.

Swift now has his life back on track, holding down a permanent job and has a proper relationsh­ip with his daughter. Swift attended the LookUp Auckland District Health Board event in Ponsonby on August 11.

It was to highlight to young people the importance of speaking out if they or someone they know has a problem with drugs and alcohol.

Swift is encouragin­g young people to speak out if they have a problem. Alcohol and drug helpline - 0800 787 797

Lifeline - 0800 543 354

Depression helpline - 0800 111 757 Suicide Crisis Helpline - 0508 828 865

Youthline - 0800 376 633

 ??  ?? William Swift from Massey has turned his life around after being addicted to methamphet­amin and alcohol.
William Swift from Massey has turned his life around after being addicted to methamphet­amin and alcohol.

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