Whanganui Chronicle

Shopping for power with limo, minions included

- Terry Sarten Terry Sarten (aka Tel) is a writer, satirista, and musician — feedback: tgs@inspire.net.nz

Aman walks into a powerbroke­r store. “I would like some power, please.” The person behind the counter looks up, notes the suit and waving wallet and is immediatel­y attentive.

“What kind of power would sir be looking for?”

“I am a politician and I want the kind of power that enables me to order people about, shout, call them names . . . and get away with it.”

“Hmm . . . you will want the Ministeria­l model with Teflon coating that is sarcasm resistant. It comes in various finishes — medium, well done or rare. The deluxe version comes with built-in sense of entitlemen­t.”

“That sounds like the kind of power I need. And I do like power — being a Minister is a bit like being a monarch, with your own kingdom being a government department.

“I want the power that makes people afraid and run around and quake in their boots when I tell them to do what I want — especially when I ignore their advice and make them run programmes that lack evidence and squander public money because it’s ME that says so.

“That’s my kind of power, and I want it NOW and I want RESPECT and I want a Ministeria­l limo with tinted windows.

“Plus I want minions — lots of minions I can blame when thing go wrong.”

The man marches up and down, shouting and stabbing the air with a finger.

“Okay, okay, sir . . .calm down. I will see if we have an extra large to accommodat­e your XXL ego.”

“I want to try this one on — it says Minister of Nearly Everything on the label. Does it have a matching stab-proof vest?”

“Yes, indeed sir. This design protects from unforeseen stabs in the back and from the front.”

“And how much is this one?” asks the man, holding up a motheaten power ensemble.

“That option is second-hand — it was passed on by a politician ousted in a coup. Although a bit battered, it still retains some of its original skull-duggery and scheming power.”

“Great, I’ll take that one for weekdays and this one for travelling on pointless overseas junkets. Do these come with guaranteed power supply?”

“Sir, I am becoming a little concerned by your behaviour. It is often said that those who lust after power are not the sort who should be given any, and I am beginning to thing you are one of that type.”

“I am not just any MP — I am a Minister. How dare you question me?

“I am right — and even when I am wrong, I am still right. The best form of defence is to attack — so don’t start provoking me.

“Of course, if you donate to my election campaign then I will work to advance the power of power brokers such as yourself and — wink, wink— there might be a knighthood lying around that might be your size.”

“Sorry, sir — I would be failing in my duty if I was to give you all this power without some sense of how you would use it to improve the lives of your constituen­ts.”

“Constit. . .uents — they are all just plebs who understand nothing of the power games we play in Parliament. It pays better than I could earn as a lawyer . . . and, ooh, all that power.”

And the man starts dancing around, singing: “I got the power.”

“Sir, I would like you to leave now before I call the police.”

“Police, smolice . . . the power is mine and I can have you arrested for disturbing my piece of mind.”

“But the store is mine and it is now closed. Stick your fingers in a plug socket if you want to feel power. Come back when your sense of entitlemen­t has diminished.”

 ??  ?? “The plebs understand nothing of the power games we play in Parliament.”
“The plebs understand nothing of the power games we play in Parliament.”
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