Whanganui Chronicle

Service bouquet


I don’t know if it is acceptable to comment on service provided by a business in Whanganui, but having seen many accolades heaped on various organisati­ons, I thought it worthy of a try.

Excellence is to be found in many spheres of activity.

Imagine the trauma of a car key snapping off in a lock on a Saturday morning.

Initial pleas for help from the recognised agency resulted in the familiar response — “Come see us Monday.”

Monday came and further informatio­n from the vehicle franchise agents suggested a four-day delay and extravagan­t cost. A call to another possible source resulted in a dubious response, which led to another call to a locksmith in the Yellow Pages.

After a short phone conversati­on which discussed removing the lock barrel (which I had previously tried) I asked the “expert” to come around.

This he did, removed the broken half from within the lock and gave me various options for resolution depending on the “responder” in the key.

Long story short, all was sorted for half the price indicated by the vehicle agents including an extra key provided.

I would recommend talking to Complete Security and Installati­on (CSI) if you ever have a lock/key problem. Quick, honest and profession­al service — thanks, Noel.



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