Whanganui Chronicle



Mathew 5 v 5: Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth

Psalm 37 v 11: but the meek shall inherit the earth and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace. Oh such peace when we have Jesus in our heart and life.

Jesus is saying your blessed when your content with who you are no more no less don’t try to be who you are not. It is at this level your closeness to Jesus brings great peace and grace into your life like you have never experience­d before. You become owners of what can’t be bought.

Galatians 5v 22 But the fruits of the spirit are: love, Joy, peace, Patience, kindness, goodness, and faithfulne­ss. V 23 gentleness and self control.

All these gifts are free when we are meek enough to receive them from the Lord.

In meekness we can never be offended.

Why ? Because we are walking in the gifts of the lord and love is the greatest of all. When we truly walk in love God gives us a heart of compassion for the lost and the hurting.

Non Christian need the love of Jesus more and more in this sad sick world that we live in which is full of sin and wickedness. But Jesus came to change all that for those who want to believe. You will never experience the fullness of Christ until you start to study and understand what Jesus is trying to teach us through the beatitudes and the Holy Bible.

Prayer: thank you Lord for the gifts of the spirit to keep us humble. — Marama Dey

Wai Ora Christian Community Trust

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