Whanganui Chronicle

Ten tips to allow you to stay calm and enjoy the festive season

A stress-free Christmas . . . is it possible? The has some handy hints that may help.

- Deirdra McMenamin

1) Identify what you love about Christmas and do more of that. Let go of what you can because everyone would much prefer that you enjoyed yourself rather than running yourself ragged.

2) Think about experience­s that can be shared. Maybe you could have a picnic at a beautiful location, such the stunning Paloma Gardens, or get tickets to someone’s favourite artist or show? We are pretty spoiled for choice in this neck of the woods and a shared experience is a gift that will keep on giving for years to come.

3) Have a pot luck meal with your favourite people and ask for help. Many hands make light work.

4) Stick to your own rhythm wherever possible. If you need half an hour with a cup of tea before you engage with the world, do it. Routines can help keep the stress at bay.

5) Support the charity wrappers outside the shops or make your own at Sustainabl­e Whanganui December 21. Better still, do both. 6) Go carol singing. It’s one of the best things to do and research shows it can slow down the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. 7) Anticipate the unexpected. In the weeks running up to Christmas, cook bigger amounts and freeze the leftovers so you are all set for those spontaneou­s visits.

8) Get outside have a five-minute family walk. It will dissipate the stress hormones.

9) Let yourself have joy. It is good for you and those around you.

10) Get boxing early and I don’t mean Boxing Day. Try box breathing. It’s a simple form of mindfulnes­s that will help calm any jangled nerves. Simply take a deep breath while counting to four, then hold for a count of four, release to the count of 4 and hold again for a count of four. Repeat this a few times. You will quickly feel grounded enough to get on with wrapping those other boxes. Meri Krihimete.

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