Whanganui Chronicle



Headache App…

“…let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus.” (Hebrews 12:1-2)

In central Birmingham, they’ve resorted to putting padding around the lamp posts in the busiest pedestrian walkways. Reason? People are so absorbed in reading their cell phones that they’re continuall­y injuring themselves when walking into obstacles. Headache app needed!

The feet will follow the eyes. Reality has taken a back seat to virtual reality. It all centres around focus.

God’s Word tells us that, as Christians, we’re to focus on Jesus Christ as we run the race of life. That means ensuring our daily relationsh­ip with Him is honest. When I sin, I confess it to Him and He promises to take it away from me. Instead of worrying, I trust Jesus to lead me through life and to energise me for life.

He is my focus — not the track or the people running with me or even the race itself. I’ll find that, if Jesus is my focus, I’ll defer to Him when an obstacle comes my way. He’ll take me through. I’ll serve my fellow runners because He shows me how. The race of my life will be directed by Him and I’ll complete it.

By making the obstacles of life my focus, I’ll feel overcome and dishearten­ed — my own virtual reality — and life becomes one big headache. Focus on Jesus, then run.

Calvyn Jonker, Wanganui East Baptist Church

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