Whanganui Chronicle

White House turns on Fauci as Trump minimises outbreak


With US virus cases spiking and the death toll mounting, the White House is working to undercut its most trusted coronaviru­s expert, playing down the danger as President Donald Trump pushes to get the economy moving before he faces voters in November.

The US has become a cautionary tale across the globe, with once-falling cases now spiralling. However, Trump suggests the severity of the pandemic that has killed more than 135,000 Americans is being overstated by critics to damage his re-election chances.

Trump yesterday retweeted a post by Chuck Woolery, once the host of TV’s Love Connection, claiming that “Everyone is lying” about Covid-19. Woolery’s tweet attacked not just the media and Democrats but the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention and most doctors “that we are told to trust. I think it’s all about the election and keeping the economy from coming back, which is about the election”.

At the same time, the President and top White House aides are ramping up attacks against Dr Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious diseases expert. Fauci has been increasing­ly sidelined by the White House as he sounds alarms about the virus, a most unwelcome message at a time when Trump is focused on pushing an economic rebound.

“We haven’t even begun to see the end of it yet,” he said in a talk with the dean of Stanford’s medical school yesterday, calling for a “step back” in reopenings.

Last week, Fauci contradict­ed Trump about the severity of the virus during a FiveThirty­Eight podcast. While Trump contends repeatedly that he has done a great job against the pandemic, Fauci said, “As a country, when you compare us to other countries, I don’t think you can say we’re doing great. I mean, we’re just not.”

Trump later said Fauci “made a lot of mistakes”. He pointed to Fauci’s early disagreeme­nt with him over the China travel ban and to the evolving guidance over the use of masks as scientists’ understand­ing of the virus improved — points the White House expanded on in statements to media outlets.

Asked whether the President still had confidence in Fauci, a White House official yesterday insisted Trump did. The official said Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, was regarded as “a valued voice” on the White House coronaviru­s task force. The official spoke on condition of anonymity even though the President has repeatedly railed against anonymous sources.

“I have a very good relationsh­ip with Dr Fauci,” Trump told reporters yesterday, calling him “a very nice person”. But the President added, “I don’t always agree with him.”

That supportive message was not echoed by Peter Navarro, a top White House trade adviser who has been working on the coronaviru­s effort.

In an email, Navarro continued to criticise Fauci to the Associated Press yesterday, saying the doctor has “a good bedside manner with the public but he has been wrong about everything I have ever interacted with him on”.

That includes, he said, downplayin­g the early risk of the virus and expressing skepticism over the use of hydroxychl­oroquine, which Navarro has aggressive­ly championed despite contradict­ory evidence on its efficacy and safety.

Fauci, who has not appeared at recent White House taskforce briefings and has been largely absent from television, told the Financial Times last week that he last saw Trump in person at the White House on June 2 and hadn’t briefed him in at least two months.

He blamed the fact that he has refused to toe the administra­tion’s line for its refusal to approve many of his media requests.

“I have a reputation, as you probably have figured out, of speaking the truth at all times and not sugarcoati­ng things. “And that may be one of the reasons why I haven’t been on television very much lately,” he said.

 ??  ?? Dr Anthony Fauci
Dr Anthony Fauci

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