Whanganui Chronicle

Bringing the farming life to heal

Savor chair Geoff Ross is stepping down to focus on regenerati­ve agricultur­e at his passion project, Lake H¯awea Station, where he’s set on proving you can make a profit and be kind to the planet at the same time, writes Aimee Shaw

- Aimee Shaw travelled to ● Queenstown courtesy of Lake Ha¯wea Station.

Fifteen hundred kilometres away from Savor Group’s Auckland head office, outgoing chair Geoff Ross is mustering at his lakeside farm, scoping out plans for his next venture.

The 53-year-old is retiring from the board of the hospitalit­y group at the end of this month to focus on what he says has potential to become the next big thing: regenerati­ve farming.

Ross and his wife Justine purchased a 6500ha farm on the fringe of Lake Ha¯wea in Central Otago two years ago, and run a small agricultur­e operation that produces merino wool and premium meats, and doubles as an accommodat­ion retreat for wealthy visitors.

This is no typical farm. It shears its sheep on demand, puts animal welfare front and centre and is focused on farming the old school way: using no chemicals, no regular stock feed and ensuring its animals live wholesome lives in their own right.

Ross has been beavering away at Lake Ha¯wea Station while overseeing Savor Group’s transition and demerger from Moa Group, the unprofitab­le brewing company he bought and floated on the NZX in 2012.

He says now is the right time to step down to focus on his own passion project.

“This time last year it was a challengin­g place to be but I’ve got to say I’m really proud of the board and the executives. Hospitalit­y was one of the toughest sectors through Covid but we stuck to our strategy and our people were fantastic.”

Ross is best known for founding vodka brand 42 Below, acquired in 2006 by global spirits giant Bacardi for $138 million eight years after its inception. But the passionate brand man says his vision for a portfolio of regenerati­ve farms around the country that proves “a more profitable business is a more sustainabl­e and carbon-positive one” will eventually become bigger.

Merino wool farming is Lake Ha¯wea Station’s main source of income. It supplies its wool to Allbirds and London-based knitwear brand Sheep Inc, which it has since invested in. It has also recently signed a longterm supply partnershi­p deal with an undisclose­d, and one of the biggest, luxury French fashion houses.

Ross’ farming station has been certified carbon-zero by Toitu¯ Envirocare and is the first farm in New Zealand to have its carbon footprint certified. However, as Ross explains, the farm has gone further than that and is in fact “carbon-positive” — sequesteri­ng twice as much carbon as it emits.

Low-carbon food and fibre is at the heart of Ross’ endeavours.

He says he has never been happier than he is now, running the farm with his family — Justine and their sons Finn and Gabe in their spare time — along with their team of five.

The farm will soon begin ramping up efforts to produce premium meats.

The marketer, who started his career at Saatchi and Saatchi, sees Lake Ha¯wea Station as a farm that can leverage its unique practices to become a brand in its own right.

“We’ve spent a lot of time in the last two years on wool, it’s time now to start looking at meat,” Ross tells the Weekend Herald at the picturesqu­e property.

The entreprene­ur has just begun looking for other farms to acquire and transform into regenerati­ve stations as part of a portfolio of carbonposi­tive farms.

In the next five years he hopes to have five farms under his belt.

And within 10 years he hopes the wool from those farms is “the most valued merino wool in the world on a per kg basis” and is supplying the world’s top brands.

Transition­ing from executive chairman to essentiall­y full-time farmer has been an adjustment, just like moving on to each new venture in the past, Ross admits. “Every new business we have gone through, whether it be advertisin­g to 42 Below, to Ecoya to Trilogy, we invested in technology company Hyper Factory as well, Turners is a large automotive company we’re significan­t stakeholde­rs in. Every sector, just when you think you’re learning a lot, you realise there is a lot more to learn.

“It’s been the same here. It’s been in equal measures both more challengin­g than we thought and both more exciting than we thought.

“The scale of the opportunit­y is larger than we thought.”

When the Rosses purchased Lake Ha¯wea Station in 2018, they weren’t thinking of multiple regenerati­ve farms. That quickly changed, and the drive to have a greater impact on the environmen­t and pioneer better farming practices had become “contagious”.

Lake Ha¯wea Station has set itself the lofty goal of being 10 times carbon-positive.

“I love the opportunit­y in the agricultur­al sector now in New Zealand. I think we’re at a unique juncture,” Ross says.

His business propositio­n is to have his hands on, and be involved in, all stages of the growing and production process. It is not washing the wool or spinning the yarn, but it is doing the first and very last parts — where the bulk value lies, says Ross.

He couldn’t just farm to the gate — he says he has always loved dealing with the end customer.

“You can go horizontal­ly across a sector, which is what Ecoya did with [acquiring] Trilogy, or you can go vertical, which is what we did with Savor.

“With farming we’re going vertical, and we’re doing it, one because it’s what the consumers want; they want to join all the dots on the way through, they want to see the trail of breadcrumb­s from source to store. And two, we’re doing it because it’s more enjoyable.

“I remember my most rewarding moments in 42 Below were when I’d walk into a bar in London and look on the top shelf and there it was. It was incredibly fulfilling and if you farm to the gate you can’t do that — you don’t know where your wool or food has gone.”

In time, Ross sees Lake Ha¯wea Station with its own brand in both wool and meat — a concept which he says did not exist in farming 10 years ago.

“It’s one of the interestin­g trends that is coming out of the US right now, and London,” he says. Daylesford Farms in London is one example, with its upmarket cafe in Notting Hill.

The possibilit­ies and how far the Rosses take their farm brand are endless. The hard part is choosing what avenues and ideas to pursue, says Ross.

He believes Lake Ha¯wea Station’s plans for regenerati­ve farming have the potential to become bigger than 42 Below was.

“I genuinely do, I’m not just saying that. There are so many positive ingredient­s and the timing is good — it could be bigger.”

Sheep spas and seaweed tonics

Lake Ha¯wea Station is dreaming up plans for the world’s first “sheep spa” — to develop and construct a building “designed for the experience of the animal” for “wellness treatments” and “fibre extraction”.

It is two to three years away from making that a reality, but the Rosses envisage it being built into a hillside — as sheep love walking uphill — offering treatments such as zinc foot baths and seaweed supplement­s and tonics.

The farm is home to almost 10,000 sheep. The property even has a fivestar dog kennel facility to pamper its working dogs at the end of the day, and strives to let its animals roam free as much as they can.

Ross’ 21-year-old son Finn is undertakin­g a PHD looking into the carbon sequesteri­ng properties of seaweed, which he hopes will provide insights into developing seaweed tonics and supplement­s to improve animals’ efficiency.

Finn tells the Weekend Herald a seaweed supplement is already being worked on that can inhibit methane in a cow’s gut, essentiall­y preserving energy for the cow and reducing the methane impact on the environmen­t.

Full-circle farming

Ross grew up in South Auckland on a deer and dairy farm, in a small rural community.

He describes his childhood as amazing and as a 19-year-old started university with the desire to become a farmer.

In his last week at Lincoln University he took a marketing class and went to visit ad agency Saatchi Christchur­ch, and found himself intrigued by the industry.

From that point he decided he would work in advertisin­g for two years and then go back to farming. However, 12 years passed and he was “still in love with advertisin­g”, and never went back to his agricultur­al studies.

“I thought it was all well and good coming up with ideas for other people, but what about coming up with ideas for yourself ? I had that thought and then 42 Below came along,” Ross recalls of the time just before he entered the world of business ownership.

“I’d seen an ad for an American vodka and thought that was weird, ‘vodka doesn’t come from America, bourbon comes from America’. I thought about where should vodka come from, obviously Russia, but anywhere else? Nordic countries; very clean, pristine countries.

“I’d just been at a New Zealand tourism research group where someone had described New Zealand as the Sweden of the South Pacific and I went ‘Ah, maybe New Zealand perceptual­ly can create vodka’. As

New Zealanders we’re quite interested in what the world thinks of us, our values . . . which is why I thought it was a good opportunit­y.”

For most people, the success of 42 Below would have been enough. But ross says he is driven by the fulfilment and gratificat­ion he gets from “building things”.

And like most entreprene­urs, he doesn’t see himself slowing down or retiring from business, ever: “There’s a Chinese saying; ‘house finished, man die’,” jokes Ross.

“If I look at my Dad who is turning 80 . . . he’s an inspiratio­n [to me]; he’s always building stuff, he and my sister run a business . . . I think we’ll all, always, be busy.”

It is funny how the world works he says now, 33 years later a farmer after originally setting that as his career path. He says he always knew he would end up a farmer.

“I always wanted to go farming but I didn’t think farming would be [my] next big thing,” he says of the timing.

Ross says the country’s agricultur­e sector is on the cusp of “big change for the better” and while regenerati­ve farming is in its infancy, it is just beginning to be considered seriously after long being thought of as hipster farming.

He hopes his efforts on the farm also pave the way for other farmers to rethink their own farming practices. “There’s been a bit of debate and some resistance in some areas of farming and knowing your carbon number and moving to more regenerati­ve-style pastures.

“Typically farmers are good entreprene­urs, typically we are early adopters — we certainly have been in the past with new technologi­es, so we can’t miss this one.”

Ross puts red tape and changes to regulation­s as one of the reasons why why so few farms operate regenerati­vely, paired with just being so busy day to day running operations with little time to consider or implement changes in practices.

When enough farmers show that you can make money out of lowcarbon, regenerati­vely sourced food and fibre and create a premium for that, with less expense, is when change will happen within the sector, says Ross.

It is a complete myth that it costs more to operate a farm in this way, he says.

Ross predicts that New Zealand is another three to 10 years away from the snowball of conversion starting to gaining momentum. “It’s early days but we think we can produce more with less cost, and it’s better for the environmen­t.”

He says his business contacts have been somewhat surprised by his next venture, but he understand­s why. “For some people, agricultur­e is not seen as scalable, not seen as an opportunit­y for high margins and not seen as a high-growth prospect. But we’re seeing all of those things.

“We definitely want to build a legacy. A living example of a farm that is effectivel­y producing food and fibre, and effectivel­y healing the planet at the same time.”

A typical day on the farm for Ross involves getting down with nature. However he will soon start focusing on connecting with customers and getting new opportunit­ies up and running. Outdoor company Patagonia is one brand Lake Ha¯wea Station would love to work with.

The Rosses have purchased an office in Lake Hayes because Ross loves farming and being on the tools a little too much, jokes Justine; “it will enable him to get off the tractor and on the phone”. Another of his passion projects on the farm has been turning old scrubland into a salad of pastures for his animals.

But, being the brand man he is, he would love nothing more than to get on a plane to London to sit down with Lake Ha¯wea’s biggest client right now, Sheep Inc, to better understand their needs. Then pop over to Europe to catch up with the major fashion house on its books.

Typically farmers are good entreprene­urs, typically we are early adopters — we certainly have been in the past with new technologi­es, so we can’t miss this one. Geoff Ross

 ??  ?? Geoff Ross sees Lake Ha¯wea Station, which has just signed a merino suppy deal with a luxury French fashion house, becoming a brand in its own right.
Geoff Ross sees Lake Ha¯wea Station, which has just signed a merino suppy deal with a luxury French fashion house, becoming a brand in its own right.

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