Whanganui Chronicle

Far-right views test US Jews’ aid

Collision feared with Netanyahu’s conservati­ve allies


Israel’s ties to the Jewish American community, one of its closest and most important allies, are about to be put to the test, with Israel’s emerging far-right government on a collision course with Jews in the United States.

Major Jewish American organisati­ons, traditiona­lly a bedrock of support for Israel, have expressed alarm over the far-right character of the presumptiv­e government led by conservati­ve Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu. Given American Jews’ predominan­tly liberal political views and affinity for the Democratic Party, these misgivings could have a ripple effect in Washington and further widen what has become a partisan divide over support for Israel.

“This is a very significan­t crossroads,” said Jeremy Ben-Ami, president of J Street, a liberal, pro-Israel group in Washington. “The potential for specific actions that could be taken by this government, these are the moments when the relationsh­ip between the bulk of American Jews and the state of Israel begins to really fray. So I’m very afraid.”

Jewish-American leaders appear especially worried about the prominent role expected to be played by a trio of hard-line, religious lawmakers. The three have made racist anti-Arab statements, denigrated the LGBTQ community, attacked Israel’s legal system and demonised the liberal, non-Orthodox streams of Judaism popular in the US. All vehemently oppose Palestinia­n independen­ce.

“These are among the most extreme voices in Israeli politics,” said Rabbi Rick Jacobs, president of the Union for Reform Judaism, the largest Jewish movement in the US. “What will be the trajectory of a new Israeli government with such voices in such key leadership roles is of deep, deep concern.”

More centrist organisati­ons, such as the Anti-Defamation League, which fights antisemiti­sm and other forms of hatred, and the Jewish Federation­s of North America, an umbrella group that supports

hundreds of Jewish communitie­s, have also spoken out.

Although these groups, like J Street and the Reform movement, support a two-state solution with the Palestinia­ns, their recent statements have focused on Israel’s democratic ideals. The Anti-Defamation League said that including the three far-right lawmakers in a government “runs counter to Israel’s founding principles”. The Federation­s called for “inclusive and pluralisti­c” policies.

For decades, American Jews have played a key role in promoting close

ties between the US and Israel. They have raised millions of dollars for Israeli causes, spoken out in Israel’s defence and strengthen­ed strong bipartisan support for Israel in Washington. But this longstandi­ng relationsh­ip has come under strain in recent years — especially during Netanyahu’s 2009-21 rule.

Netanyahu’s hard-line policies toward the Palestinia­ns, his public spats with Barack Obama over peacemakin­g and the Iranian nuclear issue and his close ties with Donald Trump put him at odds with many in the American Jewish community.

After winning elections last month, Netanyahu and his allies are still forming their coalition. But he already has reached a number of deals that are setting off alarm bells overseas.

Itamar Ben-Gvir, a lawmaker known for his anti-Arab vitriol and provocativ­e stunts, has been offered the job of national security minister, a powerful position that will put him in charge of Israel’s national police force. This includes the paramilita­ry border police, a unit on the front lines of much of the fighting with Palestinia­ns in east Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank.

Ben-Gvir has labelled Arab lawmakers “terrorists” and called for deporting them. He wants to impose the death penalty on Palestinia­n attackers and grant soldiers immunity from prosecutio­n.

Netanyahu also has agreed to appoint the lawmaker Avi Maoz as a deputy minister overseeing a new authority in charge of “Jewish identity” and giving him responsibi­lities over Israel’s educationa­l system.

Maoz is known for his outspoken anti-LGBTQ positions and disparagin­g remarks about non-Orthodox Jews.

He wants a ban on Pride parades, has compared gays to pedophiles and wants to allow some forms of conversion therapy, a discredite­d practice that tries to change the sexual orientatio­n or gender identity of LGBTQ children.

Maoz hopes to change Israel’s “Law of Return,” which allows anyone with a single Jewish grandparen­t to immigrate to Israel. Bezalel Smotrich, a settler leader with a history of antigay and anti-Palestinia­n comments, has been granted widespread authority over settlement constructi­on and Palestinia­n civilian life in the occupied West Bank.

 ?? Photo / AP ?? Benjamin Netanyahu has already reached a number of deals that are setting off alarm bells overseas.
Photo / AP Benjamin Netanyahu has already reached a number of deals that are setting off alarm bells overseas.

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