Whanganui Midweek

Hits and misses part of tramping

Tramping Club encounter the unexpected


When you go tramping, you are wise to plan for the best but be prepared for the worst. Another cliche that comes into play is: Expect the unexpected. That’s what occurred when eight members of the Whanganui Tramping Club went into Ruahine Forest Park this month.

They planned to walk along the track towards Iron Gate Hut and check out the slips which resulted in DoC closing the track.

At first, all went well and a couple of small slips were passed without problem. Where the track passed close to the Ō roua River it was decided to walk back down the river. However, about an hour later the party ran into a large, deep pool that couldn’t be passed and so was forced to return the way it had come.

The party included a member who had come this way without incident in January and he was surprised to find this obstacle had suddenly emerged.

Just another case of you never know what you may find around the corner when you go bush.

The Wanganui Tramping Club’s weekend programme for December is:

2-3 Saturday-Sunday, Taumarunui tramps, leader Dave

9 or 10 Saturday or Sunday, Raetihi Hill, leader Mike

16 Saturday, Blyth Hut loop, leader Cherry

23 Saturday, Waitahinga Trails, leader Esther

30 Satursay, Ruapehu romp, leader Esther

Make all enquiries about trips to Terry phone 021 262 7066 or Dorothy phone 345 7039 or email membership@whanganuit­ramping. org.nz.

The midweekers have a full programme of interestin­g trips every Wednesday.

Those who get out on Thursday are in two groups, with a longer walk on December 14 for the TT1 group and a shorter one for the TT2 group on December 7. The Wednesday contact is Trish, phone 021 127 3862, and the Thursday contact is Anne, phone 345

4776. Call both by 6pm the night before for day trips.

To join weekend trips call the leader by the previous Tuesday at the latest. Call by the night before for day trips.

As some trips have limited

numbers, leaders have the final say about who to take as they are responsibl­e for the safety and wellbeing of everyone on their trips. For further informatio­n visit our website www.whanganuit­ramping. org.nz.

The next club meeting on Tuesday, December 5, at the Veandercro­ss Lounge, Whanganui Racecourse, at 7.30m, will feature a talk by club member Esther Williams on rafting the Clarence River and canoeing the Whanganui River. All welcome.

 ?? ?? Wanganui Tramping Club members walk back up the Oroua ¯ River after being turned back by a large pool.
Wanganui Tramping Club members walk back up the Oroua ¯ River after being turned back by a large pool.

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